Life Is Strange V3 AU (Mod Kokichi)

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Kaede was trying to listen to her lecture, but just couldn't bring herself to do so. After such a weird vision that felt so real, she couldn't just ignore the sinking feeling in her stomach. She wasn't quite sure if she had just dreamed that up, or if she was getting some serious premonitions, but it wasn't sitting with her well.

Koizumi was a great teacher. Probably the crowning jewel of Kibougamine Academy, and she was excited to have such a skilled photographer teaching her class. You wouldn't expect it from the students sitting in her class though- some were hassling poor Shuichi, the most timid person in the room for something that had happened to him over the weekend, while Kokichi played on a little device, yet somehow paid attention to every word out of Koizumi's mouth.

"...Shh, keep that to yourself. Seriously though, I could frame any one of you in a dark corner, and capture you in a moment of desperation. And any one of you could do that to me. Isn't that too..." Koizumi continued on, leaning on a table and playing with her tie.

Kaede glanced over at her camera, picking it up gingerly. The weight in her hands had become comforting to her, and she couldn't help but sigh happily. She loved her polaroid camera, finding it silly how she could love such an old camera despite there being so many new models out there, but she couldn't help it. She got it right before she had moved away from Arcadia Bay, and she wondered if that camera was what brought her back. Feeling a great urge to use it, she took a selfie that she hoped would be underneath everyone's radar.

It most certainly wasn't.

"Shh, I believe Kaede has taken what you kids call a 'selfie'..." Koizumi said, shifting her weight as she stood up. it wasn't every day that Miss Koizumi would get such a stern look on her face, and Kaede couldn't help but gulp at the consequences. "A dumb word for a wonderful photographic tradition. And Kaede... has a gift."

She knew where this was going. She knew that Miss Koizumi was just moments a way from asking some question that was bound to be in the reading. Probably something having to do with her selfie? The process? She knew what it was called, but she wasn't ready to be put on the spot for her actions.

"... and clearly want to join the conversation, can you please tell us the name of the process that gave birth to the first self-portraits?" Koizumi asked, calmly waiting for an answer to stumble out of Kaede's mouth.

"I... I..." She started. The Daguerreian Process. just say it, she thought.

"You either know this, or not, Kaede!" Koizumi slammed her hand on the desk, a sigh following the action. "Is there anyone in here who actually knows this stuff?"

"Louis Daguerre was a French painter who created "daguerreotypes", a process that gave portraits a sharp reflective style, like a mirror," Kokichi piped up, turning to Kaede's table she was sitting alone at. "Now you're toooootally stuck in the retro zone! Sad face." He leaned back contentedly when he heard a few people laugh at his comment.

"Jeez, was it that hard to read the book for the information? The Daguerreian Process brought lots of detail to people's faces. You guys would know if you had actually read about it or looked it up online, but we can thank Robert Cornelius for the first American self-portrait." The bell rang before she could continue her lecture, and people started trying to file out of the room. She was calling to them about the Everyday Heroes contest, which was a big deal for them- the winner got to fly out to San Francisco with Miss Koizumi, and be featured in an art gallery of other winners across the country.

Kaede got up slowly, stretching a bit as she did. She would've normally just immediately left the room so she could have a bit of alone time, but her eyes landed on Shuichi, who was still sitting alone at his desk, scribbling something illegible onto the paper. With a tap on his shoulder, he jumped a bit only to let himself calm down when he saw Kaede's patient face smiling at him.

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