Saiouma Love Hotel Extension (Mod Kokichi)

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"I'll think of a more exciting game next time. So make sure you excite me too."

With that, Kokichi turned his back with a flourish, hand on the doorknob. He was going to leave and go on his merry way. While he was a little disappointed that he didn't have his virginity stolen from him by mister detective over here, Shuichi was too sweet to even try anything, right?

He was about to leave when he felt a hand on his shoulder. another hand forced the door closed, leaving Kokichi speechless. What was going on? When the door was locked, Shuichi spun Kokichi around and pinned him against the door in a standard kabe-don style. Kokichi felt himself quiver a little with shock when Shuichi leaned in, whispering into his ear.

"I don't let a criminal get away that easily, you know." A smirk formed on his face, and Kokichi could've sworn he felt his knees give out a little bit. The timid, unsure Shuichi had him cornered, and seemed like he knew what to do.

With his free hand, Shuichi was able to wrap his hand around both of Kokichi's wrists, letting the hand that was initially on the wall be free to move around. He skillfully got underneath Kokichi's top, finding warm skin underneath. It was the perfect foil for his cool hands. He reached up and groped, causing Kokichi to squirm. He wasn't used to having this much contact, and he wasn't sure he'd have something even close to this again. He felt warm lips on his neck that ruffled around his bandana as he melted into the touch. Shuichi's lips were so soft, but they felt hungry as they sucked on his skin, leaving little pretty marks on his pale skin.

Shuichi got bored of having Kokichi just pinned up. Careful to time himself correctly so Kokichi wouldn't be harmed but still roughly handled, he took the smaller boy and lead him by his wrists to the bed with a firm grip. Kokichi collapsed onto the bed, scooting back to give room for Shuichi.

"Stay there." Shuichi's voice commanded, and Kokichi nodded his head, gulping. He knew that Shuichi was excited to have a plaything, regardless of how temporary it would be. He felt his arms get pushed above his hands, and was instructed not to move his hands. Kokichi nodded once again, a little embarrassed he could be so submissive.

Shuichi's hands found themselves on Kokichi's skin once again, bringing an involuntary moan from his lips. It was high-pitched and shaky, and he felt him clenching his fists, looking away from Shuichi in embarrassment. He heard a husky chuckle above him, and felt on hand removed from his chest. He didn't find himself yearning for that touch for long though, as he felt something gently kneading him underneath his belt.

"Sh-Shuichi! Nngh!" Kokichi strained himself to practically beg. That breathy laugh once again came from Shuichi as he got closer to the leader's body. In rough, slow movements that favored the feeling of contact through fabric, Shuichi began grinding against Kokichi. The smaller boy let out another quiet high-pitched whine as he felt the friction on him. He couldn't do anything, and he was powerless in this game.

Eventually his whines became more frequent and he found himself getting louder as he came closer and closer to cumming. Before he could, Shuichi pulled away, putting his soft hand on Kokichi's cheek.

"The cops have to take you some time, you know," was all Shuichi said cheekily before walking out of the room, a smirk on his face. Kokichi was a left a mess.

God, he was gonna have to clean himself up now, wasn't he?

Oh well.

At least he knew that he could also play dirty next time.

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