Hiyoko Hurts Mahiru's Feelings (Mod Kokichi)

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Mahiru was sitting in her cottage with Hiyoko. She wasn't sure why Hiyoko had taken such a liking to her, but she supposed it wasn't that bad. While the smaller girl was hasty to gain a bad temper, she wasn't that bad of a person. She had even taken interest in Mahiru's talent, which made her excited. She could finally talk about her mom with someone!

"While I know that these aren't mine, I think you should see these for yourself. My mom was also a photographer too, though her subjects were a bit different than what I've shown you." Mahiru gently handed Hiyoko an album that seemed to look a bit tattered, as though it had seen the hardships that the photographer had seen. Hiyoko gingerly took it, as to not disturb anything on it. She turned the page to see some pictures of soldiers in trenches, leaning on each other while covered in dirt and other grime. Hiyoko instantly recoiled, sort of puhing the book away while still holding it.

"You're telling me your mom took these?! These are gross!" She scanned the rest of the pictures, grimacing at some of the things depicted. The bodies laying in the grass, medics carrying soldiers off the battlefield while their faces were stuck screaming in horror– it was a lot for Hiyoko to take in. She didn't notice Mahiru look away, biting her lip as her fingertips curled around the edge of her skirt. She had finally gotten frustrated enough with Hiyoko to slam the photobook while still on her lap. she picked it up like it was a hurt animal and looked away from Hiyoko as she said two words that were filled with so much venom Hiyoko didn't think the photographer was even capable.

"Get. Out."

Hiyoko was about to argue until she saw Mahiru's open hand balled into a fist and her lip trembling. As much as she wanted Mahiru to like her, she didn't know how to handle someone who was upset like this. She got up slowly, and closed the door to Mahiru's cottage gently. The quick sound of a lock going into place made her jump, and he turned to the door, her big eyes showing some genuine concern.

She had fucked up pretty bad, hadn't she? She had fucked up pretty bad alright. She wanted to apologize for what she said so she could see Mahiru have the same serene face she did when she talked about her mom, but... she just wasn't sure how to. She wasn't sure if she could even face Mahiru like this immediately after being so harsh to her.

She looked around, wondering if there was someone around who she could talk to about this and get some sort of help from. Not many people would want to help her after she had displayed such a sour attitude to everyone who wasn't Mahiru, which was understandable. she had wished she had just bit back all of her rude remarks because then she would be a little more of a sympathetic case than... this. In fact, that was the exact reason she was having this problem she put herself into in the first place.

From behind the buildings, Hiyoko caught a glimpse of long black and white hair bouncing around in an unpredictable and presumably energetic fashion. While there were a lot of people who had turned their nose up at Hiyoko when she showed her true colors, she had a feeling she could rely on the girl who was undoubtedly in the midst of yelling something about how to use a megaphone.
Hiyoko turned around the corner to see Ibuki lecturing a very confused Hajime, who was trying to mimic her movements. They seemed to be holding imaginary megaphones as they yelled together. She snickered, watching the show a bit and letting it calm her nerves before gaining the courage to talk to anyone. Hajime said he had somewhere to be and Ibuki waved him off before turning around herself and almost colliding with Hiyoko.

"Oh my my! Is Hiyoko also interested in being a part of the Light Music Club Ibuki is president of? I'd be happy to let you join!" She smiled brightly, an Hiyoko looked away, huffing.

"No, that's not what I want from you, idiot! I-I mean- ugh, this is hard." Hiyoko shook her head, frustrated that she couldn't even ask for help without insulting someone. Ibuki tilted her head.

"That was a pretty rough thing to say to Mahiru, you know. If I were to write a song about that, it would be called something like, "Picture Perfect Photos Shatter in the War of Girls' Hearts!'"

"Were you listening in on us?!" Hiyoko took a step back, her face scrunching up. Ibuki rubbed the back of her neck, looking away.

"Nah, I just have insanely good hearing. As expected of an ultimate musician, you know?" Hiyoko rolled her eyes and put her hands on her small hips.

"Well, anyways, I want your h... I want your hel..."


"Yes. That. Please." The twin-tailed girl quickly agreed, waiting for Ibuki to answer. She didn't have to wait long, because Ibuki was already walking up to Mahiru's door with proud, loud stomps. Hiyoko panicked, running after her. Before she could stop the musician, she knocked out an erratic rhythm onto the door. Hiyoko groaned and put her head into her hands. Some muted shuffling was audible along with the hesitant click of the door being opened.

"It's... unlocked."

Ibuki practically kicked the door down and sat Hiyoko down on the chair in the corner of the room. The pictures in that corner showed everyone's smiling faces. Mahiru had always been a pro at taking pictures of people smiling, and her pictures always had charm to it that made Hiyoko feel at ease. She felt herself relax her shoulders as Ibuki started talking.

"Sooooooo I know that Hiyoko made you suuuper angry! You know that twin banana here has no filter though, and she was just super shocked to the point where she didn't see the beauty that was in your mom's pictures. I bet if you let her look at them again and let her actually process them, she'll realize how RAD  your mom's work is, you know! That's what Ibuki thinks anyways," Ibuki finished with a big grin and victory sign as she stuck her tongue out. Mahiru looked back to Hiyoko who was still looking at Mahiru's photos he had hung on the walls. She glanced to the album that Hiyoko had been so repulsed by immediately, and she fought with herself on whether or not to let Hiyoko look again.

"I-I guess... there's no harm in letting you look again. I'm sure you were just... surprised. I should've warned you what the photographs were going to be of." Mahiru picked it back up again before walking over to Hiyoko. She sat on the ground next to the chair as she genly handed it up to the dancer. She opened the book again, looking at the pictures for a bit longer than before.

Sure, they depicted the worst things that you find in war, but also... it was almost like Mahiru's mom was purposefully looking for the grimmest situations possible just so she could catch people in their most determined state.

The soldiers leaning on each other in the dirty trench looked a little peaceful near their comrades. Their dog tags gleamed, names that couldn't be made out present. These were real people who were depending on one another.

The bodies that were strewn across the battlefield was accompanied by standing troops looking at their fallen brethren, their eyes shedding tears. Hiyoko wondered what was going through their heads as they saw these people dead in pools of their own blood.

The picture with medics carrying the screaming soldier off the field showed two determined men doing their best. In that moment, their only fear was whether or not they would be able to save the other man's life as opposed to whether or not they would get grazed with a bullet. It showed something beyond fear and impending doom. There was a bit of hope hidden in each picture.
Sure, the circumstances that these were taken in were absolutely horrible. But, sometimes, it seemed like that was the best way to capture someone's true character. Horrible situations like the ones Mahiru's mother had seen are the ones where kindness seems to shine brighter.

"I guess. I was a little quick to judge these. I... I think that the fact that each on of these holds a subtle bit of insight on how kind mankind can be is... really nice."

Mahiru perked up as she heard that, looking up at Hiyoko who was still looking through the album. She turned to the last page, which was of a troop who was all smiling together on what appeared to be an aircraft. She looked to Mahiru, who was peeking up to look at the picture.

"This one is... my favorite." She said softly, gently taking the album and putting it into her own lap to look at it again. "There's something about their genuine smiles after everything they've encountered that makes the picture seem to radiate peace. You know what I mean?" Mahiru Looked up, a smile trembling on her face as tears threatened. This time though, Hiyoko decided they weren't the same sad tears from before. Instead of talking a lot more like she normally would, she simply nodded and closed her eyes.

"Yeah. I guess I do."

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