Trans Validity: Shuichi, Kokichi, Hajime, Byakuya, Nagito (Mod Kokichi)

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Shuichi Saihara would be worried when you told him you had something to get off your chest. Part of him was worried you were going to tell him you were the mastermind behind the situation they were in. When you told him you were actually a boy... he's a little taken aback. Seeing you look so worried about this makes him gain a small smile as he would nod, looking determined. He'd ask if there's anything else you need from him, and he would be very protective of you. He may not have much bark or bite, but he'll definitely defend you if people get on your case. He's also the person that would get the pronouns incorrect from time to time only to apologize profusely. He just wants you to feel comfortable.

Kokichi Ouma probably knew that before you were comfortable enough to tell anyone. He'd have been calling you male pronouns for awhile now. He enjoyed seeing you smile a little bit every single time, knowing he was making you feel more comfortable. Coming out to him would be like that one vine where the mom was talking to her kid like "When you comin' out of the closet? Not yet? Ok. Oh, you're ___? Oh, I know." but he would also make sure everyone knows how HANDSOME and MANLY you are and would go out of his way to tell everyone what a cool guy you were.

Hajime Hinata has seen every kind of person and knew that there was something you were hiding from him. When you came out to him, he smiled, saying he was happy you trusted him enough to tell you. If you didn't have one yet, he'd give you a spare thing of his clothes and ask someone to tailor it to you. He would also be like a doting mom, reminding you that you were one of the best guys he had ever had the chance to meet.

Byakuya Togami would be... well, Togami. He knew about things like this being a common occurrence nowadays, but he didn't believe you were going to come out saying you were actually a guy. You would get his signature Togami shocked face, only to see him regain his composure and chuckle. Depending on how good of terms you were on, he would make a quip about him being thankful that you let him know. Regardless of the aforementioned detail, he wouldn't treat it like a big deal. He'd use the correct pronouns and get you the clothes you needed to feel comfortable. Don't worry though, you would still get the average Togami behavior. He's gotta be spicy to everyone, you know?

Nagito Komaeda would be so proud of you for saying something about your gender. He would make some remark about being so lucky that you would tell this to trash like him, only to smile and say he understands completely. He'd probably give you his jacket or something, saying it made him feel cooler and manlier than he actually was. He'd make sure everyone knew, and always give everyone gentle reminders that you're actually a guy. 

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