Chapter 1

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For the ninth time of the day, I sighed. I had enough of this nonsense. Knowing we have to move because of some issues, yet again issues she can’t even tell me.  I’ve grown immune to Mother’s answer every time I ask her about it: “Sorry Elizabeth, I can’t tell you, not now, that is.”

But something’s not right. Right now, Mother is talking to a man in a formal black suit but that’s not the thing that is currently bothering me, it’s the fact that Mom is home, it’s rare to see her here, she’s always busy because of her work.

Uncomfortable. That is what I feel now. Offering them a drink, I smiled at the man in the suit as I turn my attention to Mother. “Mo—“

 “Go to your room Elizabeth” She didn’t even let me finish. Mentally groaning and eyeing on my mother, I took a step towards my room yet I stopped half-way on what the man said.

“So you’re Elizabeth, nice to finally meet you. She does resemble Prince Adrian. I would like to talk to her Annaliz. You can’t hide the truth from her forever” He said, more to Mom than to me. Wait, Adrian?  Is this about my father?

“What’s this about?” I asked, unsure of what will happen next yet I was eager to listen.  Dad died when I was very young, I didn’t bother asking about him to Mom because I know she’d be hurt. Mom has this puzzling look on her face.

Then later on, she released a big sigh “Elizabeth. This is sudden but you’re the Princess of Cartilizda. You’re the only grandchild of the former King. Your dad was the prince. The current king is your uncle. ” Wait. What? I was taken back, not knowing what to say and not knowing how to react.

I stand there frozen in shock, jaw dropped.  She talked and talked but she lost me at princess. Okay this is a lot to take in.

 “We’ll have to change your surname Phantomhive to Crevan to announce to the whole world that you are, even though your parents aren’t married. Don’t worry you’re safe in school. We’ll provide maximum security for you…” he looked at mom “until the time comes.” The mister in the black suit enlightens me with the details. until the time comes, What did he mean by ?

My forehead furrowed. And is it really necessary to have bodyguards? It isn’t like the school I’m entering is infested with murderers, right? Besides the school is well-known. And also it was handpicked by Mom and I know that Mom is very picky when it comes to schools.

“So now you know the truth. Sadly you would have to wait for the time to know the reason why we’ve been running away.  You’ll know all in the right time my young Elizabeth.”

I just nodded and without a sound I venture to my room working hard on my balance. What just happened?

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