Chapter 12: Side Story: Lailah's story

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In the bushes, I hide, watching the normal kids play from a distance. Suddenly a round rolling thing appeared out from nowhere. The kids in this neighborhood usually play with this thing.  I picked it up.

“Where’s the ball Mary?” I heard someone talk. So, this is called a ball.

“I think it went that way.” I saw a girl pointing at my direction. They are getting nearer and nearer to me. I know it is forbidden for us Lamias to show ourselves to humans, but this would be my first time talking to kids the same age as me. I just could not resist it. I was so happy. It wouldn’t hurt to try right? Or would it?

“He-here’sssh your ball” I said shyly. I walked out the bushes, reviling my long scaled tail.

“Ahhh!! Monster!! Monster!!” the girl shouted. The boy starts picking rocks and throws them to me.

Get away you monster!!… Get away you monster!!... Get away you monster!!!...” the boy shouted.

I can still hear their voices and see their faces in horror even in my dreams.

“Monster!... Monster!... Get away!... You’re a monster!...”

I decided to live far away from human civilization, and took shelter in some abandon building deep within the woods.

 I heard someone’s voice getting nearer and nearer, I climb up to the ceiling, hiding myself.

I heard a girl humming a song. She looks so happy.

“I know someone’s in here. Please keep me company. Don’t be afraid come out.” I flinched. She can sense me.

“If I came out then you’ll be afraid.” I said in responds. She looks up the ceiling, thank goodness, it’s dark. She can’t see me.

“Hit me with your best shot. I’ve seen worst.” She smiled while doing a fist pumped. The warmth of her smile reached my heart. I slowly reveal myself to her. I came out from the darkness.

I saw her eyes widen. I looked down, disgusted by myself.

“You look very beautiful.” She said innocently. I was shocked. It was the first time someone said that to me.

 “You’re not scary at all.” She added.

“But thosssse humanssss…” I said, I was on the edge of breaking.

Humans are stupid. They judge others by their appearance. They even judge their own kind by their appearance.“ She said.

“Sssho are you are sssaying you’re not a human?”

“I was human.” She said.

“What happened?” I asked.

Her eyes darkened. “I don’t really want to talk about it.”

“I’m sshsorry, I was assssking too much.” It’s just… this is my first proper conversation with others.

“Oh no no no. Don’t be. Oh we’ve been chatting all this time you don’t even know my name. I’m Hanako” She introduced herself smiling brightly at me.

“I’m Lailah……” I smiled back.

That was when I met Hanako, who did not think of me as a monster, who pulled me out from the darkness and who introduce me to Yusuke High, where I met new friends like Eli and Zarah. I owe my life to her. She’s my savior.



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