Chapter 17

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“So what about your true form Eli?” Zarah asked.

“I don’t know what my true form is.” They are shocked. I forgot they did not know about the fact that I was a human back then until the clock stroked twelve on my birthday.

“Let’s discuss this later. Now Hanako!, where’s my costume?” I changed the subject and started to look for Hanako. I felt someone pulling my skirt from behind. I see Hanako in her usual white long-sleeves and red overall skirt but with blood running down her face. She appeared out of nowhere. Well she is a ghost; she can slip through walls easily.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the dressing room. Ghost can make certain part of them physically touchable, but only for a limited span of time; well that’s what Hanako-said said before.  We waved goodbye to Lailah and Zarah.

‘When we arrived at the dressing room, Hanako left and said, “I’ll be right back.” cheerfully. I just nodded in responds.

I remember something about letting your vampire look appear from the Cartilizda book. I closed my eyes. I am imagining that I have fangs and red eyes and then I felt something gushing through my veins. This feeling, I remember. I felt it when I turned into a vampire for the first time on my 16th birthday.

 I opened my eyes. My hearing is perfect. I can smell even the slightness of smells and I can see amazingly well. I felt different from before, like I am a different person. I got up and looked myself in the mirror. I see a young girl with pale-colored skin, sharp fangs,with brown eyes slowly turning bloody redand my hair, it grew longer in an instant.

“Wow. Eli, is that you?” Hanako arrived with my costume. I nodded.

“So this is your true form. You look hot” Hanako blushed. “Here, change into this outfit.” Then she went back outside.

I went outside the dressing room with the costume on. I felt the eyes of my classmates on me, but their gaze was different from before.

“Wow! Eli, Is that you? “ Zarah popped out from nowhere.

“That’s the same reaction Hanako gave me. Yes this is me.” Everyone seems surprised.

The classroom door slammed open.

“Hey!! Is that stupid gorilla Elizabeth here?!!” It was Marco looking for me. I can see the graffiti I have drawn on his face. I forgot it was waterproof. Everyone pointed at me in sync. Marco’s eyes widen.

“Don’t screw with me. That’s not…grrh. When I find that woman I gonna freaking kill her!!” he shouted before he went out the room. Silence invaded the whole classroom. Then everyone laughed. My eyes widen.

“Hahahaha stupid Marco” Someone said.

“You should run after him, before he makes a scene… oh wait. He already did hahaha.” Zarah was laughing, rolling on the floor. “But seriously stop him from making a fool out of himself.” Then quickly her voice turned serious. I do not want to. It’s fun seeing him like that. Hahaha but she is rightK.

I quickly ran after him. As I make my way through the corridor. I noticed that the students: mainly boys, is quickly lining up in the sides. I saw a guy placing a red carpet on my way. What is this? Make way for the princess?

 I waved my hands at a random guy, waiting for his responds. He blushed and he wouldn’t even look me in the eyes. Hahaha I laughed in my mind.

Oh I found Marco in a distance about a couple of meters away across the corridor. I ran faster and caught up to him in a second.

“Hey Marco!” I called out to him. He turned around. Wait that’s not Marco but somehow he resembles him. Wonder who he is.

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