Chhapter 23

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Marco went missing for about several hours, maybe he has something to do. It was boring without him.

Then he showed up, it was break time from working at the Café. Currently the four seems to be behaving well. I am relieved.

"Hey Eli, let's visit the hunted house." Hanako suggested.

"Yes let's go." I said energetically. I want to experience something thrilling; I had enough from all of this drama.

"I'll go with Hanako and Lailah. We will go first. You two follow us after." Zarah suggested while pushing the two girls.

"But—" She didn't let Hanako finished her sentence.

"Goodbye have fun." Zarah said winking at me before they entered the entrance for the hunted house. I know what you did there, but is it really necessary?

"So let's go" Marco suggested. He held out his hand. I took it. I blushed. It isn't really scary at all, it was boring. I can see the exit. I hurriedly pull Marco towards it but he stopped me.

"Elizabeth. I have something to tell you" His voice turned husky and serious.

"What is it?" I asked, curious about what he's going to tell me.

"We aren't really siblings. I talked about it to mom earlier." So that's why he was missing earlier. "She's just mentally unstable; she loved Prince Adrian and couldn't accept to see him with another woman. To push herself to survive, she has to think I was Prince Adrian's son. She apologized."

"Oh," I said plainly, hiding my huge grin.

"Oh? It that all you have to say?" he snaps.

"Wait Marco! Listen to me Idiot!" I shouted he stops. "I'm happy we aren't siblings. I love you too. When can you take a hint Idiot!" I ran towards the exit but he stops me again, he held my hand and hugged me.

"Sorry. Sorry about the thing at the rooftop. Sorry for being an idiot. Sorry for all the harassments before but I'm not sorry to love you." He murmured into my ears. I blushed. Is this Marco? He seems so different but so Marco.

"You changed my life Elizabeth. From a robot bastard who never even once felt any emotions involving love and always got into fight to man who can love. Thank you," he added. "Can you be mine Elizabeth?" my eyes widen. Tears start to fall down. I could not believe what he just said. Is this true, or am I dreaming again?

Then I woke up. My head feels dizzy.

I slept at my desk in my classroom, sleeping across me was Marco. I dreamt about what happened earlier. I can't believe the man sleeping in front of me is now my boyfriend. I grin.

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