Chapter 5

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I walked across the road curious about the ruckus. I saw a shadowy figure. I walked closer. It was Marco with a… LIZARD MAN?! The half-lizard, half-man charges, trying to attack Marco.

“Fuckard! I’ll kill you!” The reptile shouted. I don’t know what came over me but I just jump in front of the lizard man trying to stop him. I was scared. I thought that I was going to die. I closed my eyes.

“Shit!” Marco cussed out-loud before he swept me away “Don’t interfere Brat!” I couldn’t do anything, no—scratch that, I don’t know what to do.

Marco seems to be out of balance. I hugged him supporting myself from falling from his gasp. There’s something wet on my hands. Wait?! Blood?? “Marco!” I shouted.

“Don’t worry it’s just a scratch.”

“Just a scratch?! With that injury a normal person couldn’t even stand by now”

 “I’m not a normal person. What were you thinking jumping in like that!?”

“I’m sorry” I was giving you my help, trying to save your ass. It turns out you didn’t need it. I forgot he’s a Vampire.

“Hey! Acting like a hero now, are we Marco? Don’t forget about me” The lizard man charges again to attack.

“Just close your eyes Brat Princess. I’ll do this quickly” I did what I was told. I was shaking as hell. I took a glimpse. I saw Marco tearing up the Lizard Man’s head. Shouting in fear, I decided to close my eyes, dismissing the view of hell in front of me.

“Hey. You’re so loud! Be quiet!” He shouted. Marco is somehow weak. Suddenly Marco fell down to the ground.

I. Need. Blood.” he murmured. What? I don’t know what to do. I hesitate for a moment. I kneeled down and moved my clothes at the part of my shoulder and offer him my blood. I close my eyes. I’m scared. Without hesitation he pierced his fangs into my flesh. I moaned.

“Your blood tastes sweet,” he smirks, licking the excessblood on his lips. I don’t know how to react. “I’m sorry,” He added. He's eye darken.


“That was my Vampire instinct, the same instinct that pushed me to drink your blood. But why are you still alive?! Normally anyone that was just bitten by a vampire would die momentarily even vampires” he said. 

“I don’t know.” I stared down to the ground.

“Why am I such a freak? Am I worse than the monsters in this school?” I cried. Cannot be killed by a vampire’s bite, witches find it hard to read my mind, student staring at me with fear,  and worst of all, some won’t even look me in the eyes. What am I really?

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