Chapter 8

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Tick-tock tick-tock... I heard the beating of a clock. Where am I? All I can see is darkness. Some fidget of light can only support much of my vision. Is this a dream? But it feels more realistic than anything. I can hear my breathing in sync with the sound of the clock.

I touched the wet ground. I see red-colored liquid splattered everywhere. I can feel a cold rush throughout my body. I know its blood. How did I get here? I 'm wearing a pure white dress crimsoned with it.

Oh the horror...

I looked at the distance space before me. I see an ocean of lifeless bodies. My eyes darken. There appeared right before me is myself. She smirked at me as she continues to slurp that poor girl empty. I tasted the sweet sensation as she continues. I want more. I'm hungry for more. She finishes, she dropped the girl onto the ground with no regard of life screaming in her eyes.

She walked towards me, getting closer and closer. She held her hands out to me. I will not be tempted with the sensation, but I find myself grabbing her hand, that made her grin grew bigger.

I opened my eyes slowly. It was just a dream. A bright light is blinding me. The light is from the bathroom being open. Someone is emerging from it. The light is so radiant. What time is it? It's still dark. My eyes adjusted to the light. It was Marco drying his hair, half-naked with only his jeans on. Yummy... Wait what am I thinking?

He smirks. "Enjoying the view?" His voice sounds very husky. Hearing it can make me melt. It's tempting me. I regained my senses. His pheromones are just excessively strong for me.

"Never in a thousand years..." I paused. "Make it a million years." i added.

I stood up. No one would be able to sleep back after dreaming something like that. I decided to take a stroll outside.

I got out from the dorm, walking a couple of distance away. Still disturbed by that dream, I looked up at the sky. "It's so starry tonight." I mumble to myself. A cold gust of wind joined me as my company. It's so cold. I should have brought my jacket. I was on my way back to the dorm when

"Hey girl. Want to have a good time with us?" I turned my back. I see three big headed fat pigs with human bodies.

"No I don't" I flat out answered it and continued my journey back to the dorm. One of them grabbed my hair and pulled it hard upward. "Then we'll force you to." I looked down. My feet aren't touching the ground. I felt something gushing through my veins.


I woke up. What time is it? What day is it? I was in my room. Ouch! My head hurts. I see Marco watching the television. "What happened last night?" I asked.

"You left around 11:45 last night" he paused for a second.

"I found you covered in blood, a few feet away from some human pig corpses. I should be the one asking that question." He said with a serious face. Human pigs? Then the memory rushed back into my brain.


"Hey girl. Want to have a good time with us?" I turned my back. I see three big headed pigs with human bodies.

"No I don't" I answered straight-forwardly and continued my journey back to the dorm. One of them grabbed my hair and pulled it hard. "Then we'll force you to." It said. I looked down. My feet aren't touching the ground. Tilting my head, I heard the clinging-clanging sound of bells from the clock tower then I felt something gushing through my veins. All my senses were enhancing by the second. I can see the clock tower from afar. The clock just stroked twelve.

I just kept my straight face while grabbing my hair. "Don't touch me. You disgusting pig." I punched it, making it fly a few meters away.

I felt like my body has a mind of its own or is it my mind the ones who's changing?

I want to feel alive. I want to break free. I want to tear them apart. I want to see some beautiful crimson red blood. "Ouch" my head hurts. I felt dizzy. Wait what am I thinking?! This isn't me.

The two other pigs were shocked. They charges towards me. I growled at them. I choked them, one with each hand.

"Uggghh. Please don't... We were just ki-kidding around. Please don't kill us." Their feet aren't touching the ground. Then I threw them at the other pig. I walk towards them, emitting a thick murderous aura, so thick you can actually see it. I can see the horror on their face.

I finally got to them then brutally murdered them and I laughed. I laughed as if I enjoyed splattering their blood everywhere then the memory goes all black.


I regained my senses. "I killed them." I looked down at my own two hands. "I killed them. I'm a murderer. I'm a murderer!!" I cried out-loud.

Marco approached me and embraced me. "Shhh... you are a murderer." You're not helping Marco. "Yes but keep this in mind. I'm sure you killed them because they were a threat to you. Just think of it as, if you didn't kill them then you would be the one dead by now. It's normal for us immortals to kill out of instinct when in danger."

"But I'm a mortal" Tears started rushing down on my face.

"Not anymore" Someone entered our room. It was Mother.


BOOOM!!! Hahahahah.. the first step of the destiny thingy just begun, but there's more to come... especially in terms with Marco my labs <3...

Nope, that sounds wrong.. I think the destinty thingy already took its toll when she entered Yusuke High.. Yup, i'm the author and i'm getting dizzy by my own story, and i already finished encoding this too...

Comment or pm me for any clarifications.. I'll reply..

for dedications.. comment and vote or just pm me.. I'm running out of people for dedications..

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