Chapter 13

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I flipped the pages from the book then I saw something interesting that caught my eye. This might contain clues for the answer to my question.

I read the first paragraph:

Chapter 5: The Prophecy of Queen Eliana 1789

“The only daughter of the eldest son will grow and the powers will slowly show. In the mature age of 16, she will conquer greater power than any other vampires can ever yield. With this power, she will rule all of Cartilizda. No one but her can tame this power. She shall have the same significance as I have, both in features and power.”Queen Eliana Crevan

In the age of sixteen. Only daughter. Cartilizda. Vampire.

Why do I feel like the prophecy’s directed to me?

And I wonder if this has anything to do with me becoming a vampire when I turned 16.  I read the whole Chapter but there isn’t a single text about humans turning into vampires when they reached their 16th birthday.

I feel like I’m forgetting something.  I turned the pages back to the first page of this chapter.

 “Chapter 5: The Prophecy of Queen Eliana 1789

 1789? 1789…. 1789…. Sounds familiar… I saw a picture of Queen Eliana. She looks exactly like me. That makes it two persons from history that looks exactly like me; Queen Eliana and the girl from the yearbook photo.

“Yes! Now I remember!”

I rushed out the door and made my journey back to the SS School building, Library II. I arrived there at the nick of time when the guard was locking the door. I saw the keys. It was hanging out from his pocket and without a sound; I flawlessly stole it from him. I opened the door then switched the lights on.

I looked for that book from the yearbook section of the library.

 “1785, 1786, 1787, 1788 oh I found it 1789’s Year book.” I said. Then I heard someone walking to the direction of the library about five meters away, getting closer and closer. I quickly took the yearbook and turned the lights off just in time when a person entered the library. I slyly got out from the library and left the keys there.

I went back to the dorm. I wonder if this yearbook has any connection to Queen Eliana, more importantly I wonder if the girl has any connection to me.

Dedicated to Its_A_Ghost_Town for the awesome votes. Thanks!!

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