Chapter 16

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I woke up early. Marco is still sleeping. To tease him later, I took a picture of him while sleeping for gags. I looked at the picture. I can’t tease him with his face looking like a charming prince straight from some fictional book. He's just so handsome. Too gorgeous.

 I remembered that I have some paint left from yesterday’s decorating party. I got some and painted some graffiti on his face. Then I took a picture of him again. I held my mouth shut, preventing it from laughing-out-loud. With this, I can get my revenge for his harassment ever since I got here. 

I got to school. I can feel a dark aura surrounding it. I stand by the gate frozen by terror. I can see different kinds of monsters that humans would normally gossip about. There are werewolves, fairies, humans with wings like of a devil called succubus and some creatures more terrifying than the others. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Ironic isn’t it? for a mystical creature like myself to be doubting the existence of these creatures.

“Hey Elizabeth!!” I hear someone shouting. I looked up. My eyes widen. It was Zarah riding a broom. It’s expected for she is a witch after all, but I’m still shocked. She jumped down in mid-flight.

“Hey sorry I couldn’t have lunch with you guys for these past days. I was really busy. And some bastard left the library unlock yesterday.” I froze, knowing it was me who left the library unlocked yesterday. I’m trying my best to keep a natural smile.

“Oh you must be really busy. It’s okay Zarah” I replied innocently.

“It’s still early; we still have time, so would you join me for a ride? Let’s tour the whole school.” She offered.

I nodded energetically. She smiles then snaps her finger signaling her broom to come.

The feeling's so very relaxing. I can feel the morning breeze against my face.

“There, look” Zarah said pointing at the school’s pool. “It’s the swimming club.” I can’t see anything. “Wait for it.” she added.

Then suddenly, scaled beasts jumped out from the water. Their scales sparkle in the reflection of the sun. Wow, they’re mermaids. They’re beautiful. They are performing an act somewhat similar to those in a marine show in some amusement parks, but this is on another level. I can feel myself being mesmerized by their beauty and agility. Then they started singing in an acapela. It’s so very relaxing.

I recognize one of them. I think she is my classmate; she’s always in a wheelchair and always hiding something in her long skirt. Now I know why she can’t walk and what she is hiding, it’s her tail.

“Wow. Look at the time. Lets head back to our own class shall we?” Zarah said while looking at her watch. I want to see more but it can’t be helped.

“Yes sure let’s go.” I was disappointed. I didn’t get the chance to tour the whole school.

We arrived at our classroom. My eyes widen. Who are these people?

“Hey Eli! You’re late” a familiar voice talked to me.

“Is that you Lailah?”I asked. She nodded shyly. Lailah transformed her legs into a body of a snake but her upper part is still the same but now with scales. “Wow I almost didn’t recognize you.” I hugged her and smiled. So this is the true form of a Lamia.

“How did you hide your tail? Or rather, how did your tail became human legs in the first place?” I asked

“My tail’s very long. It would be a bother and the school’s rules prohibited the showing of your true form so, Zarah made me an amulet that can change my tail into human legs. Look… ” she said while holding up her necklace that she has been wearing since day 1, with a blue seashell pendant. It is very beautiful.

“So what about your true form Eli?” Zarah asked. What is my true form?

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