Chapter 21

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Later that day the paladins try to get Keith to eat a bit but he keep pushing the plate or rolling his eyes.

That was till Lance and Pidge came in 'fighting' with each other.

"Lance could you get Keith to eat? Shiro left with Coran so we get him to get Keith to eat. So can you? You are his boyfriend," Hunk asked sitting in front of the dark haired boy who was refusing to eat.

"Come one Sweetheart. Eat? For me?" Lance asked sitting next to his lover. Of course Keith didn't even acknowledge him or what he was asking.

"Babbbby," Lance whined placing a hand on Keith's should.

The small touch made Keith jump and stare at him. "Huh? Did you say something??" He asked confused why Lance was kneeling next to him and why there was untouched food in front of him.

"Eat. Then we'll talk. Don't space out again okay?" Lance asked after concluding the jumping as spacing out.

"Spacing out?" Keith asked as Hunk left the room with Pidge hot on his tail.

"Yes. Just eat okay? We'll talk later," Lance smiled at Keith standing up and sitting across from him.

Keith went to eat but one thing was on his mind. He didn't space out. It seemed like he couldn't remember what was balling before Lance touched him.

He doesn't remember going to the kitchen or having food in front of him.


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