To-do List

17 1 0

I've got to stop:

Looking at every single dazing pair of puppy dog eyes and falling in love with an idea
Procrastinating every goddamn thing
Feeling sorry for myself
Oversharing on the internet petty shit that doesn't even matter to anyone at all
Holding on to the past
Avoiding social interaction or intimacy
Living my life in fantasy
Hoping things just work themselves out
Letting my pride get in the way
Waiting for other people
Expecting change when I don't try
Begging for love
Apologizing for being who I am
Searching for unattainable satisfaction
Being a background character in my own life

I've got to start:

Forgiving myself for my flaws, mistakes, and short comings
Accepting my body as it is
Opening up to the people just trying to help
Finding healthy ways to cope and move on
Putting myself out there
Caring about my mentality
Taking care of my health
Communicating my feelings
Allowing myself to feel
Acknowledging my faults and working to fix them without excuses
Loving my life
Learning to be content
Taking an active role in my life

I've got to stop merely existing and start


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