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Jessica wiped a tear of sweat that was forming in her forehead with the back of her hand. She got up, reincorporating herself and fixing her gaze on the man before her, thinking on what her next move was going to be.

Stark, on the other side of the fight, stepped back, trying to anticipate the girl's next attack. She threw her closed fist directly to his face, what he easily blocked with his right arm. Jessica, however, used his ego to her advantage. While he thought he was going to take her down once again, she swiftly wrapped her legs around his neck and pushed him down. Tony got away from her grip and proceeded to attack her again. But Jessica, out of breath, used her powers to push him and pin him to the wall.

"Hey, you're not supposed to use them." Tony scolded her.

"Sorry, sometimes I can't help it. It's almost like an instinct." She apologized as she grabbed her bottle of water, which was basically empty  as she had drunk it all during the rest of the training session. "Besides, what's then point on having powers if you can't use them?"

Tony pointed at her with his left hand. She looked at it as she thought how it was his weak spot. "You should consider them your last option, not your first instinct. Someone could get hurt if you just-"

Suddenly, she grabbed him by the  arm and placed her leg perpendicular to his. With a quick pull, Tony tripped over. Jessica grinned as she finally got to tell him what he always repeated her. "You should never keep your guard down."


While she helped him get up, F.R.I.D.A.Y., Stark's AI system, talked with an important message. "Boss, I'm sensing unusual activity at the Museum of Modern Art. Looks like a break in. Authorities have been notified."

"Yeah, but they'll take their time, won't they?" Tony looked at Jessica. "Want to take on this one?"

She picked up her bracelet, the one that Mr Stark had made her take off while they trained, and put it back on. The bracelet transformed into her flight stabilazors. Although she could manipulate radioactivity in order to levitate, the stabilazors allowed her to fly better, further and faster. "Sure. Be right back."

She walked over to the balcony and she took off into the night sky. In less than two minutes she had arrived at the MoMA. She landed on the roof and stealthily entered the facilities. Eventually, she found the four intruders. She caught them trying to take a painting between three of them, while another failed on watching that no one came into the room.

"What you got there?" Jessica surprised them. She caught a glimpse of the painting and recognised it was The Persistence of Memory. "I'm gonna have to ask you to put that down, please."

"Get her!"

The men let the painting down and attacked her, throwing punches in her direction. Jessica avoided every one of them. She saw an opportunity to defend herself. With a few kicks and punches, she managed to knock them out. While looking down at the men, she remembered what Tony had told her about using her powers. Maybe he was right.

Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain on the side of her face. She had been punched by one of the men, who had recovered.

"Damn it, Tony..." She mumbled to herself while touching her sore face. She glared at the man, who was now regretting what he had just done. Jessica was prepared to use her powers against that man when out of the blue, someone came swinging in, kicked the man into the wall.

It all happened quickly, but she knew exactly who did it when she saw the spider webs.

"Hey! I totally got this one!"

Spider-Man chuckled, hanging upside down and webbing the rest of the man in case they did the same as their mate. "Yeah, I can see that."

"I really did." Spider-Man got down once he finished what he was doing and Jessica stepped closer to him. "You could've warned me, at least. See, this wouldn't happen if you were an Avenger."

"Wow, you sound just like my girlfriend." He said, ironically. "She won't stop telling me that I should join them, but them I'd stop being the friendly neiborhood Spider-Man that I am." He then stepped even closer, their faces inches away from each other's. "And I know she's crazy about the friendly neiborhood Spider-Man."

She raised an eyebrow. "That's too bad." Then a giggle escaped her mouth. The last six months with Peter had been amazing for Jessica. She hadn't been this happy in a long time. While living with Tony and being an Avenger, she felt like she had a family again.

"Ugh, get a room!"

One of the men yelled before Spider-Man shot a web straight into his mouth, silencing him.

They didn't have too much time before the authorities stepped in. "NYPD!"

"They're all yours, guys." When Jessica turned back to her hero, Spider-Man was already gone. She found a note on the floor next to her.

"Thank you, Cadmia." A police officer said as they handcuffed the robbers.

"Anytime." She did not look at the officers as she was too busy reading the note.

Meet me on the roof

She did as the piece of paper said, knowing it was from Peter and not questioning when he'd had the time to write it. Once she got up, she found the unmasked hero, revealing her boyfriend's face.

"Why did you left?"

"You know cops don't like me."

"What's up?" She asked, but got no reply from Peter. "Why did you make me get up here? What's going on?"

Instead, the boy took out a small box. Inside it, a silver necklace with a small and simple heart. Jessica looked at it speechless.


"Do you like it?" He asked as she took it out of the box to have a closer look.

"I love it." She didn't like to wear necklaces that draw too much attention, so this one was perfect because of its simplicity. Jessica looked up at Peter after putting it on. "But why?"

"Well, we've been together for six months or so..." Her eyes widened. She hadn't realised that much time had passed, and she hadn't get him anything. "I know we didn't pact on a date, I just realised it the other day and I thought about getting you something. You really don't have to give me anything."

"Thank you. That's so sweet." She leaned in and kissed him softly. She could now that she had learned to control her powers after months of training and didn't poison everything that she touched. But she could do it still do it if she wanted to.

They broke the kiss off and Peter looked at her with a smile. "Hey, Jess, there's something I wanted to tell you." He managed to find the courage to tell her something that had been running around his mind for some time now. "I-"

Unfortunately, he was cut by Jessica's cell phone ringing. She sighed and rolled her eyes when she saw who it was.

"What on earth is taking you so long?" Tony's voice immediately said once she answered the call.

"Oh, hi, Mr Stark." Peter replied.

"Oh, of course." Tony said. "I need you to come back to the lab. I upgraded your suit and you need to try it."

"Can't it wait?"

"No, you have two minutes to come back, young lady."

He hung up and Jessica looked back at Peter with an apologetic look.

"I'd better go." She said, sadly. "See you tomorrow? After class?"

"Yeah, sure." Peter nodded. He would have to wait another whole day to tell her what he wanted. Now that she had graduated, they could only see each other once the school day is over. Jessica gave him a quick peck on the lips before starting her stabilizers and leaving.

And then, Peter watched her as she left, keeping to himself all his love words.

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