to peter

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"It's not really like me to talk alone, you know that... but I've come to a point where I don't know what else to do, Pete. If there's something, an afterlife, a heaven or whatever, from where you're listening... I want to say that I miss you."

"I miss you a lot and I don't know what to do."

"I'm trapped with Tony in this spaceship and we've been adrift for days. We've got no more water or food left and that we run out of oxygen is only a matter of hours."

"I can't- I can't look at Tony, Peter... Every time I look at him it reminds me of you and it hurts too much. I know I shouldn't blame him for what happened but I still do. I hate him and I hate myself for letting this happen."

"I just wish you were here. Just so I could tell you how much I love you."

"I love you and I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry."

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