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They got out of the quantum realm and appeared in the streets of New York, right during the chitauri attack of 2012. Jessica looked around and observed how the city was being destroyed. When the attack took place in their reality, Jessica must've been 12 years old. She remembered watching everything through the TV news with her father. Now, it was time for her to go through it again.

"Alright, we all have our assignments. Two stones uptown, one stone down." Steve gave direct instructions. "Stay low, keep an eye on the clock." Before he could continue, the raging Hulk from 2012 passed by the street perpendicular to them, fighting the chitauri army by throwing cars at them. Even the chitauri wouldn't dare to fight him. Steve turned back to Banner. He would have to try harder to blend in. "Maybe smash a few things along the way."

"Whatever..." He said while ripping off his shirt and smashing a car, not very enthusiastic to do it. Bruce was going to get the time stone. Cap was in charge of the mind stone and Jessica, Scott and Tony were going to go after the space stone, or the famous tesseract.

They began their plan. Tony and Scott were going up the Stark Tower. Jessica, on her part, was going to wait on the entrance until she got a signal. She was dressed for the occasion, with ripped clothes and smeared face.

After a few minutes of waiting, Tony finally talked through the earpiece. "Thing looks like they've wrapped up here, Cap."

Steve replied, confirming that he had heard the message. "Got it. I'm approaching the elevator now."

"Alright, Jess, they're going down." He warned her. "Cap, I got eyes on the scepter in the elevator, just passing the 80th floor."

Jessica made sure she looked like she had just got out of a wrecked building. Her signal would arrive anytime soon. "Okay, I'm heading to the lobby."

"I'll see you there."

Tony addressed her in a nickname he had just come up with. "Buttercup, do you copy? I got eyes on the prize. It is go time."

She understood the 'damsel in distress' reference. "Don't call me that."

"As you wish."

Jessica rolled her eyes and proceeded with the plan. She ran inside the lobby and started screaming. "Help!" She looked around for anyone who would assist her. "Help, please, I need help! My little brother is stuck under the wreckage." She lied.

Finally, guard approached her. "Okay, miss, calm down. We're gonna call the authorities-" She cut the guard off as she had located Thor and Tony coming out of the elevator. She checked that Tony was carrying the suitcase with the Tesseract inside, as expected.

"No! I need help now!" She pointed at the two members of the past Avengers. "Them! They can help me!" She pushed the guard aside and ran to the heroes. "Please, Thor! Mr. Stark!"

"Miss!" The guard said behind her.

Jessica ignored him and continued with the plan. "Please, you've got to help me!"

"I'm sure the authorities can help you, kiddo." Tony said, and it didn't surprise her. 

"Yeah..." She said, looking down. "This was a job for the strongest Avenger anyway." 

Thor immediately looked at her, blinked in her direction a few times and then agreed on helping her. She knew that would make him engage. "Alright, my lady, tell me what happened."

"It all happened so fast. I had gone to pick up my brother from school and then we heard all these loud noises and before we knew the whole city was falling apart..."

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