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Once they got off the Benatar, Jessica recognized everyone waiting for them outside. They had landed in the gardens surrounding the Avengers' headquarters and right in front of them were the same Avengers. Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, James Rhodey and Bruce Banner. The girl knew exactly who they were, she had seen them on the TV every time they had saved the world, or almost destroyed it. Captain America was the first to run to help Tony get down the ship. 

"Tony!" Pepper Potts approached him and greeted him with an embrace. Jessica could see how they were truly happy to see him, whereas she was being forgotten on the background, almost hiding in the darkness of the empty spaceship. It wasn't until Dr. Banner realized she was there as well that she felt welcomed.

"Hi, Jessica. Nice to see that you're back." He walked towards her and helped her get down of the Benatar. "A-and alive."

Jessica gave him a weak smile as a response, not really knowing what to reply. The last time she saw Bruce was in Central Park, when they were being attacked by Thanos' big minions. As she watched everyone talking to Stark, she started seeing blurry and feeling how her head became lighter and lighter.

"Jessica?" It wasn't until Tony looked at her that he realized something was wrong with her. She looked sickly pale and drops of sweat were forming on her forehead. He attempted to run to her when he saw her falling backwards but he didn't make it on time, witnessing how she passed out on the grass.


When Jessica woke up she was bewildered. It took her a solid minute to realize she was lying in her bed, in her room on the headquarters. For one second, she thought she had dreamt it all and nothing had actually happened. She imagined herself getting up from her bed and just live a normal day but then she saw an intravenous line attached to her arm and a machine tracking her heart beat next to the bed. A few tears escaped her eyes, as she wished none of it had been real.

She unplugged the line and got out of bed, ready to start looking around the compound for Tony, or someone, anyone, at least.

She eventually found everybody in the kitchen, including Tony, who was seated in a wheelchair and also connected to a line. Her entrance made everyone turn to look at her.

"He wiped up fifty percent of all living creatures..." Natasha stopped talking mid-sentence since she noticed the attention wasn't on her anymore.

But while everyone was focusing on her, she could only focus on the holograms of the dusted people. More exactly, she could only focus on the hologram of Peter. A few tears started forming in her eyes and she didn't look away until Tony called her out.

"Jess," He looked up, concerned. "you shouldn't be up, go rest."

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's happened." Her voice was weak but her tone was firm. "Why was I connected to a line? And why is there a raccoon?" She pointed at the raccoon fully dressed and sitting in the corner.

"You passed out." Dr. Banner ignored the later question and gave priority to her health status. "So I ran some tests to see what was wrong. You have a great iron deficiency, as well as an irregular heartbeat. The power stone really messed up your cardiac system, and almost starving to death whilst lost in space didn't help much."

After hearing that, Jessica felt how her legs couldn't handle her weight anymore. She placed her hand on the wall for support, while processing everything. Rhodey stepped forward to get her in case she fell, but she put her hand up, as a sign that indicated it was all right.

"You'll get better." Tony told her calmly. "Please, go rest now."

"I don't think I'll ever rest again."

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