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They all acted according to the plan. Everyone hid except for Dr. Strange, who would wait for Thanos to come and ask him for the stone, and when he'd make the signal, they all would jump out and attack the titan. 

Jessica was trying once more to repair the bracelet that had broken before but absolutely failed. She needed her supplies in order to repair a suit made of nanotech. She sighed, giving up, and looked out for Peter. Then she found him talking to the Guardians whose names she'd learn were Drax and Mantis. 

The empath was asking questions to Peter. "Are you and the girl together?"

"Yes, we are." Jessica knew him enough to deduce that he had blushed when he said that.  

"What a horrible couple." Said Drax, with disgust in his voice. Jessica frowned, confused and a little bit offended at the same time. "Neither of you have enough meat in your bones. But at least she seems strong and that's important."

"Yeah, she is very strong," Peter reassured him. "but that's not the only thing that's important."

The Guardian didn't seem to understand that. "What else could you look for in a partner?"

"Well, she... I just think she makes me a better person. When I'm with her I feel like I'm invincible, even if I don't wear my suit. I'll get nervous with just thinking about her, but if she just smiles in my direction I forget about everything else."

Jessica couldn't help it when a smile formed in her face. She bit her lip, thinking about what she had just heard. It was beautiful from Peter's part and it had made her feel like home for the first since they had left Earth.

"That's stupid." Drax ruined the moment for Jessica. 

Mantis was outraged at him. "No, Drax, don't say that! He feels love for her, that's why he says these things." 

She didn't hear Peter reply to what Mantis had said. She'd said that he loved her and Jessica knew that she was an empath, what meant she knew what Peter was feeling. 

"Well, there's no doubt that they're made for each other." Drax finally added, to everybody's surprise. Until he finished the sentence. "Equally disgusting."

Jessica saw Peter walking towards her and she pretended to be working on her suit like she hadn't heard anything from their conversation. 

"Those two are quite a pair." He sat next to her. When she looked up at him, she couldn't resist but to smile to the boy who loved her and that, in fact, she loved back. "What?"

"Nothing." She pulled him in for a kiss, a meaningful one. She kissed him like it was the last time she'd be able to because, this time, it might actually be so. 

"Everyone, shut up." Tony said and went back to his position. "Thanos is here."

The villain had appeared with the help of the Space Stone and engaged a conversation with Dr Strange. Jessica was too far away to hear what they were saying so she just waited for Tony to give her a signal. A few moments later, the Iron Man left his place and prepared for the attack. He positioned himself over one of the floating parts of spaceships and pushed it against the titan when he thought was the time.

Jessica got up to see better. She held her breath for a few seconds, not knowing what was going to happen next. She didn't think a piece of space junk would defeat Thanos, she just didn't know how pissed off it would make him.

Suddenly, the block of junk transformed into birds, thanks to the Reality Stone. Thanos arranged them to fly against the Iron Man, making him concern about his own battle against the animals.

It was now time for Jessica to participate in the fight. Peter went first, though. He shot a web right into the mad titan's face, but Thanos was quick to remove it. Dr Strange and Drax attacked him at the same time, trying to distract him for long enough. Then, Strange opened a portal through which Jessica jumped. The portal opened right above Thanos and Jessica kicked him on the head on her way down. Strange did it again, and this time Peter was the one to attack him. They alternated a few times following the same steps until the villain had had enough. He grabbed Spider-Man and pinned him down on the ground.

"Insect." Jessica fell down the last open portal as the titan said that. She grabbed him by the arm and tried to make him let Peter go, but Thanos pushed them both out of the way.

They both landed and immediately looked for each other. "Are you okay?!"

By the time they look back to where the fight was having place, Dr Strange had Thanos tied by the gauntlet, Quill had used a device to hold down his other arm and Drax had kicked him behind the leg, making him kneel. Peter decided to step in and shot some webs to keep him down, using the robotic legs as support. Dr Strange opened up a portal through which Mantis fell and sat on the villain's shoulders. She placed her hands on his temples, putting him to sleep with her powers.

"He's too strong." Cried the empath. Jessica used her powers to fly over them and she got there even faster thanks to the lack of gravity. Once she got before the titan, she removed her gloves and grabbed his bare arm, poisoning him. That seemed to weaken him up.

"Is he under?" Asked Tony. "Don't let up."

"Be quick. He is very strong." Mantis warned everyone, struggling to contain the villain.

"Parker, help!" Jessica heard how Tony called him while trying to get the gauntlet out of Thanos' hand. "Get over here. They can't hold him much longer. Let's go."

She started struggling to follow the conversations of others. It was becoming harder and harder to keep on poisoning the villain. She could barely focus on what was happening around her. "We gotta open his fingers to get it off."

"Okay, Quill, you gotta cool it right now." She heard Tony raise his voice at the Guardian. "You understand? Don't, don't. Don't engage."

"We almost got this off!"

"Tell me she's lying." Now everybody was yelling and Jessica didn't know how much she could last. Her hands were starting to hurt and her lead was feeling light. "Asshole, tell me you didn't do it!"

"I had to." Thanos said, slowly.

"No, you didn't." Star-Lord hit him in the face, but hit Mantis' hand on the way. She removed it from the titan's head, freeing him from his dream.

"Quill! Stop!"

Peter had almost taken off the gauntlet when Thanos woke up. He aggressively pushed everyone away from him, making both Jess and Mantis fall backwards. The titan's gaze fell upon Jessica, realizing the thread she was for him. She had weakened him for a moment and he wasn't stupid enough to leave a possibility for that to repeat in the future.

"That will not happen again." He pointed at her with the gauntlet closed around his fist and a purple light struck her. She screamed in pain, but he was not killing her. Instead, he was using the power stone to remove her powers, this time for good.

Not even being able to stand up by herself, Thanos pushed her away. Luckily, Peter was there to catch her before she hit the ground. She couldn't even keep her eyes opened, everything was blurry and she felt dizzy. The last thing she recalled before passing out was the hero calling her name. "Jess? Jess?!"

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