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"Let's give Cadmia another applause." Said the museum manager as she encouraged everybody to start clapping once more. The Museum of Modern Art had called Jessica to assist an event in her honour, since she saved the institution from theft a few nights before. "If it hadn't been for her, several of our most precious artworks would have been stolen, including The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dalí. Thank you again, the museum is in debt with you," Jessica looked at the manager, who thought she had finished her speech. She had been told in anticipation to make sure she mentioned the other super-hero present the night of the incident. Fortunately, the manager took the hint from Jessica's gaze towards her. "and Spider-Man, of course."

Jessica's eyes met Peter's, watching her from the crowd. His school had organized a trip to the museum to see her since she attended it during the former year. Peter's face lighted up when he heard the mention of his alter ego.

"Thank you. Unfortunately, Spider-Man couldn't make it today." She made sure to look at Peter when she said that, to make him know it was directed at him. "But I think I speak for him when I say that we were just doing our duty. The museum owes us nothing. In fact, as a courtesy from Mr Stark and the Avengers, the Stark Relief Foundation is donating 100,000 dollars for the restoration of any damages the paintings have suffered."

The staff brought a giant check signed by Pepper Potts, head of the Stark Relieve Foundation. The crowd started clapping again as the manager almost cried from excitement 

"So generous! Thanks again!"

The crowd around Jessica dissolved after a last round of applause. A moment later, her old classmates approached her. She immediately hugged MJ, as it had passed quite some time since they last saw each other.

"Hi guys." She said to everyone after breaking the hug. "I've missed you all. How are you?"

MJ replied, obviously joking. "Not as good as you, that's for sure."

"Hey, Jessica, tell me, do you see Spider-Man off duty often?" To her surprise, Flash asked her. Jessica raised an eyebrow. "You know, do you talk about your personal lives as well or is it just hero stuff?"

"Flash, we're all pretty sure she hasn't talked to Spider-Man about you."

"Well, you don't know that." He looked at Jessica, hoping for confirmation. She shook her head, replying honestly. The boy looked down disappointed. "Oh..."

They all shared a few laughs, except for Flash, who had taken it really seriously.

Jessica's gaze finally fell upon Peter. Whenever they were together in public he'd act really awkward, since he tried to keep their relationship a secret from their friends. They didn't want anyone to relate Peter to his secret identity, especially now that Jessica was officially an Avenger. Just to be sure, only Tony, May and Ned knew about it. "Peter, why are you so quiet?" She could see a glimpse of panic in his eyes when she addressed him. "Wow, it's been so long since we last talked. How's May?"

"S-she's fine." He stuttered.

"So, Pete, Mr Stark wanted me to inform you about some changes in your internship. Is it okay if we discuss them before you leave?"

"Yeah, sure." They walked into a room where they were left alone and immediately Peter pulled Jessica into a kiss.

"I wish you did more public events with me." She said, with her hands on his shoulders. "I'm tired of being in the spotlight by myself when you've also helped."

"I know, I'm sorry. I just don't want anyone to see that I'm missing when Spider-Man is-"

Jessica cut him off. She had heard that a million times, but he was right. "Yeah, I know..."

"You're coming to have dinner with us tonight, right?" By us, Peter meant May, Ned and him. They had planned to go to the Thai restaurant a couple of blocks away from May's apartment. Jessica and Peter had been seeing each other almost every night that week, mostly because she couldn't stop thinking about him ever since he had brought up they had been together for six months. She noticed that he was staring at the necklace he had given her while he waited for her to reply. 

Jessica placed her hands on his chest as she smiled. "Yeah, I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world."

Peter moved his hands over hers but found something unusual on her wrist. "What kind of bracelet is this?" He frowned. 

"That's a housing unit for nanoparticles." She explained. "Tony and I have been working with nanotech for a few weeks now. I have enough particles here to create my stabilizing gloves and a few weapons."

He looked at her amazed. He couldn't believe she had been working with nanotech. "Wow, that's so cool!"

Someone knocked on the door and the instantly pulled away. Luckily, it was Ned.

"Hi! Sorry to interrupt. We need Peter back."

"Yeah, of course!" Jessica said, relieved it was their friend. "Sorry I stole him from a minute there." Peter gave her a quick kiss goodbye before both boys were headed out.

"Bye, Jess." Said Ned before leaving and Jessica waved him goodbye. 

When she stepped out, Jessica looked for the museum manager that had been in charge of the event. "Is there anything else I can do?" She asked once she found her, actually hoping for being able to go back home. She was tired from the incident from the night before and she thought she could use a good nap. 

"No, please, you've already helped us enough." Said the manager. "Thank you again."

"You're wel-" Jessica shut up mid-sentence in order to listen carefully. She thought she had heard someone scream. They both walked to the entrance of the museum and saw everybody outside running and screaming. "What's happening?"

She stepped outside and was surprised by a strong wind coming from one side. People were running in horror, all in the same direction. She walked down the street in the opposite direction than everyone. Unexpectedly, a car drove right towards her, with no intention to stop. She used her powers to stop it. When the driver got out, he looked at her for a second before running away. She had never seen someone in such panic. 

She finally turned the corner and found the source of the chaos. A spaceship in the shape of a giant ring was in the middle of the street. The street was almost empty, with only a few people admiring the alien ship, who also happened to be Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. 

"Tony!" She yelled. "What is happening?!"

The older man looked at the spaceship and then at her, with a worried look. "We're about to find out." 

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