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Jessica ran towards Tony, ready to give him the report on the situation. F.R.I.D.A.Y. had made the girl know through her communication device. "There's no one on 43rd Street anymore. Everyone has been evacuated."

Stark nodded while he processed the information. Banner, confused by Jessica's presence, leaned in closer to his friend. "Tony, who is she?"

"Just a new addition to the Little League."

Jessica approached the two science men, having heard the whole conversation. "Nice to meet you, Dr Banner." She heard a strange noise behind her. She turned to find a man performing some kind of magic with eccentric hand movements. Although, Jessica found his clothes to be even more bizarre than the mystical abilities. He, somehow, managed to stop the spinning spaceship, ending with the wind as well. She was impressed. "What's up with the sexy wizard?"

Tony shook his head in disbelief. "I'm gonna pretend like you didn't say that."

They froze when they saw a figure leaving the spaceship. It was the first time that Jessica saw an alien, at least in real life. She had seen extraterrestrial life through the TV when the Battle of New York happened, but now she was amazed that she could observe the rare creature before her. 

"Hear me and rejoice." It spoke. "You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful that your meaningless lives are now contributing-"

The alien was interrupted by the one and only Tony Stark. "Can you cut to the interesting part?" Both Jessica and Dr Banner looked at him incredulously.

He kept on mocking the alien. "I'm sorry, Earth is closed today. You better pack it up and get outta here."

The alien did not bother on answering him. Instead, he now spoke directly to Dr Strange, standing by Jessica's left. "Stonekeeper. Does these chattering animal speak for you?"

Jessica was confused about what he meant with stonekeeper, but since he had shown interest on the wizard, something in her guts told her she must prevent him from getting to Dr. Strange.

"Certainly not. I speak for myself." Replied the wizard. "You're trespassing in this city and on this planet."

"He means get lost, Squidward!" Jessica internally screamed when Tony kept on teasing Thanos' follower.

"Bring me the stone." Called the alien, getting impatient.

Unbothered by the situation, Stark turned towards Dr Banner. "Banner, you want a piece?"

"Mmm, no, not really, but when do I ever get what I want?" Bruce grunted as he tried to push the Hulk out of him, but failed this first time.

"It's been a while. It's gonna be good to have you, buddy."

"Okay. Shh." The doctor hushed him while trying to focus. For some unknown reason, he could not get the Hulk to get out. "Let me just... I need to concentrate here for a second."

"Where's your guy?"

"I don't know. We've sorta been having a thing."

"It's no time for a thing."

"I know."

Tony couldn't believe that his friend wasn't able to transform into his green alter ego. "Dude, you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards and the kid."

Jessica let out a laugh. "Oh, trust me, you can do that by yourself." She earned a dirty let look from Tony.

Bruce gave up and looked at Stark worried. "Tony, I'm sorry. Either I can't or he won't."

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