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"Cap, what do I do with the gauntlet?" Jessica asked through her earpiece as she ran through the battlefield, dodging and shooting Thanos' soldiers.

"Get those stones as far away as possible!" Steve answered her, but Bruce didn't seem to agree with his order.

"No! We need to get them back where they came from." 

"No way to get them back. Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel." Tony added.

"Hold on!" Jessica exclaimed, thinking. "Didn't Scott have another time machine in his ugly brown van?" 

"Anyone see an ugly brown van up there?" Asked Rogers.

"Yes!" Someone answered. "But you're not gonna like where it's parked." 

They probably meant that it was in the middle of the enemy army. "Scott, how long you need to get that thing working?"

"Maybe ten minutes."

"Get it started. We'll get the stones to you."

Jessica was starting to struggle to have to carry the gauntlet on one arm and fight with the other. Luckily for her, someone came to her rescue. "Girl." He said. She recognized it was Black Panther. "Give that to me." And she did as he told her, knowing the gauntlet was in good hands. She focused on fighting the alien troops, shooting at their faces and chests or anywhere she could. But then something unexpected happened.

Thanos' ship started shooting blasters directly at them, not only trying to end with the Avengers but destroying his own army on the way. Jessica prepared herself to create energy shields at any given moment. She started to run, trying to avoid the constant bombing coming from the skies. She jumped and propelled her body weight up with the help of her powers. She looked for Black Panther, the last one she saw carrying the stones. She failed to find him, but suddenly, she noticed a flash of color flying over the battlefield. The gauntlet. 

She was relieved to have found the precious object,  but she was paralyzed when she saw the person carrying it. She fell to the ground again, after being distracted by the image before her. It almost seemed unreal. She had dreamed with him for so long that she had convinced herself it was just that: a dream. 

But there he was. Spider-Man. Peter.

He was shooting webs, holding onto whatever he could, carrying the stones with him. And then a blast almost hit him, cutting the web from which he was swinging and making him brusquely land on the ground. 

Jessica came to her senses again. She ran as fast as she could, using her powers to impulse herself, jumping over Thanos' soldiers and avoiding the raining blasters. She had almost made it were Peter was, she could see him laying on the ground, his knees almost touching his chest and holding onto the Gauntlet. She was just a few feet away from him when she saw a blast flying right towards him. She jumped and gathered all her strength to project it outwards. Peter, from his point of view, could only see dust.

A few seconds later, the shooting had stopped. Their bombing had ended and the ships were now targeting the sky. 

The dust scattered and Peter looked up, surprised he hadn't been hurt after the shooting. He was even more surprised to find Jessica still creating an energy shield around them. 

"Jess?" He got up and called her, as she dissolved the protective barrier. "Oh my-"

Impatient, Jessica hugged him as tight as she could. "You don't realize-" She couldn't even talk. She was shaking, still not believing that moment was real. "how much I've missed you."

Peter pulled her away from the hug but still held her close to him. Jessica placed her hands on his cheeks, examining his features, glad to see them again. She was extremely happy to look into his eyes again. Before she could say anything else, he kissed her. It wasn't their best kiss. It was a bit rough and they even almost hurt their teeth. But they knew any of them could die on the battlefield. 

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