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Jessica woke up feeling sick. She felt weak and it was hard for her to breathe. She found herself being held by Peter, who was looking to his side concerned. When Jessica looked over, she saw Tony fighting the mad titan. She tried to ask Peter what was happening but then realised her hearing wasn't working well, her own voice sounded muffled to her. 

Then it all happened very fast. She was shocked when she saw Thanos impaling the Iron Man with his own weapon. She covered her mouth in horror as she witnessed the scene. Tears that were forming in her eyes started falling down her cheeks. Peter stood pale and in silence, shocked as well.

"Stop." They heard Dr Strange tell Thanos. "Spare his life... and I will give you the stone."

"No tricks." Required the villain.

Tony still preferred to sacrifice himself before letting the titan win. "Don't."

"One to go." And with that, Thanos used the Space Stone to disappear.

Quill flew over where the villain had just stood, willing to attack him, but by the time he arrived, it was too late. "Where is he?! Did we just lose?"

"Why would you do that?" Tony, defeated, looked at Dr Strange, who gave him the simplest response. 

"We're in the endgame now."

Peter helped Jessica get up and walked over towards Tony, who was using his suit to build a patch over his injuries. 

"You kids are okay?" He placed his hand on Jessica's shoulder, alternating his gaze between the two teens. They could see the fear and concern in Tony's expression, which was unusual for them. They had never seen him like that.

"Yes." Jessica replied to his question as Peter aid the older man to get up. Tony looked around, took a deep breath and released it shakily. He was still sceptical to believe everything had gone down the way it had. The same was maundering in Jessica's mind. Thanos had collected five of the six infinity stones and it was only a matter of time that he got the last one. They had failed on protecting the one thing they should have kept away from the mad titan.

Tony, recalling the fight from a few moments before, looked at Jessica, who looked weakened and defeated, just like him. "What did he do to you?" He asked, referring to the time where Thanos had focused the gauntlet of the girl.

"He took my powers." She said, in a quiet but steady tone. She could feel it. She had felt how the power left her body. This wasn't like that time when Mr Stark tried to mute her abilities, this felt completely different. Like if a part of her had been taken away. She was still struggling to accept it was her reality now. "For real this time." 

"What are we supposed to do now?"

There was a sudden loud sound and Jessica was overwhelmed by a horrible feeling. Out of the blue, Mantis spoke. "Something's happening." A second later, they all witnessed how her body deintegrated to dust and the wind blew her away. 

Jessica watched paralysed. Thanos must have completed his quest and now half the population in the universe was turning into dust.

"Quill?" Drax said before also disappearing. 

Star-lord watched how his mates faded away, terrified. "Steady, Quill."

"Oh, man." Were his last words before suffering the same fate as the rest of the Guardians.

"Tony." Both him and Jessica turned around to face Dr Strange, who looked at them sickly. "There was no other way."

Jessica felt a knot in her throat as the master of mystical arts disappeared as well. Was she going to die also? She didn't dare to look at Tony, afraid that she was going to witness how the closest thing she had to a father figure faded away in front of her. Little did she know, she was about to see something even worse. 

"Mr Stark?"

When Jessica heard Peter's voice, her whole world stopped. Not you. She thought. Please, not you. The knot she had on her throat extended through her whole body, feeling pain and numbness at the same time. She hadn't turned around yet, she didn't want to.

"I don't feel so good."

Her eyes were watering up, but she tried to keep her tears from escaping.

"P-peter?" She barely managed to say as she finally faced him. She blinked and the tears fell down her eyes. Peter reached his arm out and Jessica walked over him to support him but she was too weak to even bear his weight so they both fell to the ground. She noticed how his hand was slowly turning into dust and she made an effort to try and stay calm. 

"I don't know what's happening. I don't know..." Peter kept saying. He looked up at Tony like he was able to control life and death. "I don't want to go. I don't want to go, sir." He continued begging, each word he said hurting Jessica like knives on her heart, knowing that any of those could be his last. "Please. Please, I don't want to go."

"No, Peter." She said through the tears, in denial of what was happening. "You're alright, you're fine. It's okay. It's going to be okay. You promised me, remember? You promised."

"I'm sorry."

"No... Don't-" He also looked at her with tears forming in his eyes. Jessica remembered how many things she wanted to tell him. Too many that she couldn't mouth in the time she had left with him. "I..." She felt a void in her chest as she was left with only dust in her hands. It was now too late for her to say her last words to him. "I love you."

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