Make-up and Shake-up - KamiSero

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Kaminari walked into the club, immediately taking a shot.

He was planning to get so drunk that he wouldn't remember the past week of his life.

He met this cute guy, found out said guy had a boyfriend and then confessed to his best bro that he was actually bisexual. He ran away after he realised what he had done.

"Hey." Someone said tapping him on the shoulder.

He turned around and saw his favourite person, falling to the ground crying Kaminari decided he had had enough of this week.

"H-hey Sero." Kaminari said in a broken voice.

He heard Mina's voice butt in, "He doesn't want to talk to you."

"N-no Mina, it's fine. I really just want to talk to Kiri." Kaminari was trying to bring air into his lungs and stop crying.

Mina dialed Kirishima's number on her phone and handed it to Kaminari.

"H-hey." Kaminari said starting the conversation off.

"Are you alright, bro?" Kirishima said, Bakugou screaming in the background.

"I'm on the ground of the club crying and was only able to take one shot, do I sound alright?" Kaminari smiled through his tears.

"Maybe, sounds like a pretty normal Denki thing." Kirishima teased.

"Oh, shut up." Kaminari laughed.

"On a more serious note, it's perfectly okay for you to like guys and just cause the first day you realise your bisexual you meet a cute guy who's already taken doesn't mean you should give up. Besides, the answer may have been right in front of you the whole time." Kirishima was serious, he knew exactly what it was like to deny your sexuality.

That got Kaminari thinking, didn't he just call Sero his favourite person. Holy shit, maybe the answer really was in front of him the whole time.

"Mina, can you please leave? You were wrong, I do want to talk to Sero. He may have been the one to tell me that Todoroki had a boyfriend but honestly that was just what I needed to hear." Kaminari spoke up to Mina.

"Well I'll see you later then." Mina was really awkwardly cheerful.

"Yeah." Kaminari's sights already set on Sero.

Sero walked up to Kaminari.

"I'm bisexual." Kaminari blurted.

"I know." Sero laughed.

"Do you want to get coffee or would you prefer that we danced?" Kaminari smiled as he spoke, his dimples showing.

"Whoa. You have dimples, Denki." Sero exclaimed.

"Yeah." Kaminari could feel his face heat up as he looked at spidermans genuine excitement.

"Let's dance for a while and let's not take over the job of the entertainment this time." Sero grinned.

"That was only one time that I stole the stage with my awesome dance moves and besides I dragged you with me so it's okay." Kaminari tried to jokingly do a shoulder squiggle as he talked.

Sero laughed before continuing, "Or that time you called me over to your house because you set your kitchen on fire and wanted to tell your parents I did it."

"In my defence, I knew they probably weren't going to believe it." Kaminari smiled.

"Sure you did." Sero rolled his eyes.

The rest of the night went on like this, telling tales of their many exploits while gently swaying to the soft music.

Kaminari thought the night was absolutely enchanting and managed to get almost perfect sleep for the first time this month. There is nothing he would have changed.

When Kaminari woke up the next day he called todoroki, "How's your boyfriend going?"

"Good, though Mina came over last night and yelled at us." Todoroki replied.

"She really needs to chill out." Kaminari sighed. "I already told her I was fine."

"Are you?" Todoroki questions.

"Surprisingly, yeah." Kaminari replied before he heard a bang from his living room and told Todoroki he'd catch up later.

Kaminari descended his stairs, ready to electrocute the intruder before he found it was only Sero.

"You scared me." Kaminari chided Sero who was looking through his cereals.

"Hey Kami, I have no food at my house. Mind if I crash at yours?" Sero asked.

"Why? You can't just barge into my house and make yourself at home." Kaminari tried to be stern.

"Like you couldn't the week you just crashed at my house." Sero said, his eyes twinkling.

"That was different." Kaminari tried to defend.

"Sure." Sero laughed.

They ended up playing video games until Bakugou knocked on the door.

"Have you guys seen Kirishima?" He asked.

"No, why?" Sero awkwardly asked.

"Cause I want to tell him to stop leaving his baby at my house." Bakugou grumbled.

Sero looked shocked while Kaminari grinned knowing what was about to happen, as Bakugou lifted up a cinnamon coloured puppy.

"Hard is so annoying." Bakugou sighed.

"You let him name the puppy Hard?" Kaminari sighed.

"He didn't even let me have any imput. I couldn't stop him." Bakugou shouted.

"Wow, I had more faith in him." Kaminari turned to Sero as he spoke.

"Indeed, indeed." Sero replied.

"Shut up you twerps. I'mma crash here til Kirishima comes." Bakugou grunts.

"My house is not a hotel!" Kaminari stresses.

"Just deal with it you idiot." Bakugou breathed out.

"It's okay Kami. Kirishima will come and drag him away soon." Sero comforted.

"Yeah. Thanks Hanta." Kaminari was in awe.

"No problem, Denki." Sero whispered as he looked up into Kaminari's eyes.

"Stop being gay over there and play some video games." Bakugou called out.

Kaminari and Sero joined hands as they went to go and sit on the couch and play video games with Bakugou.

929 words.

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