Fights Part 2 - KiriBakuKami

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I know I left for not even a day lol, but part two woo! 

Last time on BNHA Oneshots... 

"I'm so sick of all the fighting." Kaminari yelled, "I know I agreed to do my share of the chores. I know I've been suspended from hero work for the time being and you're all busy. I know I'm falling behind okay. I just can't stop it, I feel like I'm on a speeding train yelling for the brakes and they're just broken. It'll take a lot of work for me to improve to be better than I am now, I want to feel like I'm good enough for you guys. I don't know how we'll get to that point though. Just please stop yelling at me." 

And now...

"If you want to live in this house, then you better get your act together and do the chores, I swear Denki. You'll never make it on your own without us. I don't know where you got all this hero stuff from. You can't even take care of yourself, how are you supposed to achieve your dreams if you can't even take care of yourself." Kaminari's dad yelled at him.

"I know you're having a rough time, but really if you want to get anywhere in the hero world, you need to understand where your priorities are and just keep pushing, I know your mental health isn't great. But you just gotta keep doing things and keep chugging along." Kaminari's mum tried to sympathise. 

'You're stupid' 'You're fat' 'Stop using your disability as an excuse' 'You can't even take care of yourself' 'You'll never be able to afford a house' 'You'll never be a useful member of society' 'I know you're excited but stop being so loud' 'Shut up' 'You're too loud' 'Stop complaining' 'You're terrible at dancing' 'You're too sensitive' 'You should let people hug you, stop being weird about it' 

All the words that people had said to Kaminari over the years, stuck to him and felt like they weighed him down. They felt like a dark blanket of negativity that was so hard to shake off. 

He felt like crying alone and didn't even feel like he had enough energy to face the day let alone do anything. He thought about picking up a video game but everything seemed boring to him. He was constantly making mistakes lately and breaking plates or accidentally messing something up. Nothing really seemed worth doing anymore even the work he had to do to get reinstated as a hero, sure he'd fail but failure seemed to mean less than it used to. 

All he felt like he could do is lay down in his bed and scroll his phone, even putting music on would sometimes take too much effort. The things that used to bring him joy all seemed to take too much effort and even when he forced himself to do them, they had lost the fun for him. 

Dancing was the only thing that still brought Kaminari joy. Sometimes even that was too much energy, he was so tired.

Then he got a call from Kirishima and Bakugou. 

I don't know how to continue this, maybe I'll come back to it soon but it's hard to know what they should say or what should happen next. That's the problem with drawing inspiration from reality I guess, maybe my story doesn't have a happy ending. At least, not yet. 

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