Kamibaku - Sleep

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First oneshot of 2020. Also I also need to sleep.

It was 11:30 and they don't know what they were doing up but I guess that's how life works now. Sleep is for the people who don't have rampant thoughts parading around all the time waiting for the moment where they're acknowledged. Sleep is for people who can lay in pitch black and feel no fear. Sleep is for people who don't have to deal with summer and the heat it brings.

Sleep is for the normals.

Finally, sleep is for people who don't have electricity shocking every nerve in their body all the time.

Kaminari lay on his back trying to breathe in and out. He was trying to stay calm. He was trying to let go but it was no use.

He heard a thud from upstairs and decided to investigate, he knocked on their door to find that it was Bakugou.

"Hey, can't sleep either." Kaminari asked.

"Nightmare." Bakugou gritted out.

"It's okay." Kaminari said as he hugged Bakugou and pat his back.

Kaminari dragged Bakugou back to his bed.

"Let's both get some sleep." He said as he alsi lay down.

His electricity stopped almost immediately and he could feel the calm seeping into his bones. If anything happens, Bakugou would protect him. So feeling warm and protected Kaminari drifted off to sleep.

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