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I had this idea, pls be nice to me…Also it's my Birthday today.

What if poly relationships don't work out?

Bakugou huffed once he found out Kaminari liked Shinsou just as much as him and wouldn't budge on dating both of them.

"Buuut, I hate him. We're not even friends." Bakugou complained as he flopped backwards onto the bed.

Kaminari had been dating Shinsou and Bakugou separately, for 4 months.

And now he wanted to merge the relationship, he saw it as the perfect solution. More time with both of them and hopefully less baku jealousy.

"So, you will try to get along with him and if this doesn't work, we can go back to what we were doing before." Kaminari answered him.

Now, that was something Bakugou did not want, because whether he wanted to admit it or not… he was getting more clingy and jealous and no matter how much he didn't like Shinsou and especially didn't want to share with him, he'd rather be with Kami and Shinsou than without Kami.

It turns out there were a lot of things Bakugou didn't like about this new arrangement.

"Hey, Denki." Shinsou said as he arrived at Kami's dorm room and proceeded to make himself comfy all over Denki's left side.

1.Why was he calling him Denki? I don't even call him that yet.

2. Why is he being all snuggly? No fair.

Bakugou tugged on Kami's other arm and pulled him closer to him, looking up with his soft eyes, the ones he reserves for special instances when he really needs Kaminari to pay attention to him.

"Aww, Bakugou are you jealous?" Kaminari whispered in his ear.

"Why does he get to call you by your first name? And why is he so cuddly?" Bakugou pouted quietly looking down.

"Aww, Bakugou, it's not like that. We're still figuring this out and if you want to call me Denki then you can, okay?" Kaminari told him.

"Then call me Katsuki." Bakugou said looking away.

"Okay, Katsuki." Denki said to him, looking proud.

Katsuki touched two fingers to his lips and tilted his head slightly to the side.

Denki laughed lightly and then leaned in and kissed him.

Shinsou cleared his throat, "I'm still here, you know."

"Are you jealous?" Denki asked him.

"Only a little, not really since I'm ace but I still want cuddles." Shinsou opened up.

"How about you sit in my lap?" Kaminari suggested.

And once Shinsou was sat in Denki's lap and Denki turned back to Katsuki with his eyes full of love, Bakugou thought maybe this wasn't too bad.

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