Shinkami - Wedding

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This kind of wrote itself, I mean I didn't plan the wedding when I started this. The were walking to the park and then boom now they're getting married. Enjoy. darrianhamm asked for Shinkami.


Kaminari walked to the park hand in hand with Shinsou.

"Hey baby, do you remember our first date?" Kaminari asked, smiling.

"Yeah, I do. You got chocolate all over your nose." Shinsou laughed.

"Well, you tried to peel off your strawberries skin." Kaminari poked back with a laugh.

"Not my fault I'd never had strawberries." Shinsou sighed, sadly.

"And now they're your favourite food. How things have changed." Kaminari smiled.

"Yeah, do you remember when we both used to run on negative sleep. You cause of your hyperactiveness and your quirk and me cause of my past. Do you think you could sleep without me now?" Shinsou mused.

"No, but could you?" Kaminari asked.

"No." Shinsou answered.

They looked at each other with fond smiles and love in their eyes.

"I'm glad we got together. Denki, I truly believe my life was significantly improved just by you being in it." Shinsou said truthfully.

"Me too." Kaminari told him.

"You're supposed to answer with something sweet like I did." Shinsou whined.

"I didn't want to steal your thunder." Kaminari joked.

"Pfft, lighting." Shinsou laughed.

Shinsou and Kaminari arrived at the park, the park where they were to have their wedding ceremony. It was just going to be a small thing with friends and family but they couldn't be happier. They were finally getting to marry the love of their lives.

They weren't in their wedding clothes yet and got swept away as they arrived for Kaminari to get into his dress and Shinsou into his suit.

The day was to be a whirlwind of happiness, luckily no-one objected to them being married but who would when everyone can see how happy they are together.

At the end of the night, they were exhausted but happy leaning against each other on a park bench as they once again reminisced and also thought about the future that married life would bring.

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