Oliver's dad, Best.Dad.Ever

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I Never Would Have Thought

Chapter 6: Oliver's dad, Best.Dad.Ever

Oliver's P.O.V.

As I was cooking our dinner, I heard my mom and the Kagamine's little "Chit-Chat" as mom has always say.

I don't really know how to cook fish but heck, with my mom asking for me to do something, I could do each and every one of it. Sometimes she made me do something thats impossible for me to do. But heaven is too good, I can POSSIBLY do it. That's my mom, she's a perfect devil that's disguised as an annoying hell of a mother.

I suddenly slapped out of my thoughts until I heard something burning. Omygooosssh!!! the fish! its burning!!!!! Who knows what will mom do to me?!?! God please help!!! I called out for someone that could help except for my mom. But heck, she could hear me anyway. "HELP!!!! ANYONE!!! FIIIREEE!!!! DAAAAAAD!!!! LEEEEN!! RIIIIN!!!!! FIREMAAAAAAAN!!!!! JAAMMESSSSSS!!!! HEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLPPPP!!!!! HALP!!!"

But then, everyone in the house came for me. My dad ran in the kitchen like a little kid that tried to bring out fire. that's my daadd. And then there's the twins that rushed in to see what happened. "Oliver!! are you okay?!" Rin asked, while panicking. and then Len spoke next. "Oliver, get out of there!!!" He took my hand and pulled me out of the living room. Then I saw my mom. "Oh Ollie!! I actually expect that you would burn the kitchen, again!!!" She stood up. "And Ollie, your so red." She said while walking to the kitchen so she could help Rin and dad to put out the fire. I tried to find the main reason of why I was so red, well as she say. Then I noticed. Len was still holding my hand.

"L-Len!! let go!!!" I pulled out my hand from him and tried to look like I'm angry. "S-sorry" He said. he tried to hide his blushing face. He's so cute and innoce- WAIT!! WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?!?! no oliver!!! I tried to calm down but I couldn't. Then I noticed a hand right in front of my face. I noticed that its Len's. "Hey oliver, are you okay? you're spacing out." I snapped out of my mind and then gave him a reasurring smile. "Y-yeah. I'm okay."

The awkward silence was broken when we noticed someone whistling. it was dad. "How cute. My sin didn't tell me he was gay." He said. my face turned redder for instance. "D-dad!!! I'm not gay!! I'm manly!!!" I yelled trying to convince him. but then mom came in. "Ya sure? cause it looks like you were falling for him." Mom said smiling. Then Rin was next. "Awww!! little lenny's in love!!!" Len turned red also "We don't love each other!!!!" We said in unison. We then looked at each other "Stop copying me!!!" we kept saying things in unison!!!!! "Stop it!" "STOOOOOP!!!! ARGGHHH!!" we then stopped talking when mom said, "Cuteeeee!!!!" She started hugging Len. "You'd be a perfect son-in-law!!!!" She said and Len was so red he could help but not to stop my mom.

"Soooo!!! my name is seewoo!! Oliver's dad!!!" My dad said introducing himself. Then ring's eyes widden "You're his dad?! but you're so cute!!!!" She yelled. "R-rin!!" Len yelled at her sister. dad then pouted. "I'm not cute!!! I'm awesome!!!!" Dad said standing up the coffee table. its official, my parents are idiots. "Dad!!!" I yelled at my dad. "Awww but Ollie!! The awesome me is introducing himself!!! and I want another round at our video game!!!" He yelled back. Then Len and Rin suddenly had a shocked look on their faces. "YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES?!?!?!" They looked at my father in awe. "Yes I do!!! Say, why don't we get ourselves some ice cream?! my treat!!" He yelled putting out his wallet. They all yelled "Yay!!!" even Len. "great!! Since we have celebrities on the house, me and mommy would get it ourselves!! Seeya later kids!!!" He said waving his hand and then mom and him left.

"Wow oliver! your dad is so cool!!!" Rin said. "Yeah he's so awesome!!!" Len yelled. "He's the best dad ever!!!" They yelled in unison. Its official. Everyone in the world doesn't like serious parents. unlike mine.

-Chapter End-

(A/N: I'm having trouble continuing this one. just please comment if I should continue this or not. thank you!!!)

I Never Would Have Thought (A LenxOliver Vocaloid Fanfic) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now