Thank You, Oliver

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//And so!! Thanks for everything guys!! Thanks for the votes and comments, the favorites and reviews!! Thank youuu!!!


Oliver's P.O.V

I was sitting beside Len's hospital bed in a chair. He's sleeping so peacefully. He hasn't woken up ever since the last 3 days. Well.. I haven't slept in 3 days. I never left his side. My mom said that what I'm doing is not so healthy. But I don't care. This is Len we're talking about. The love of my life. I leaned my chin down the bed. I'm really sleepy. But... What if Len wake up? I shouldn't sleep now.. But... I really need sleep.

Okay... I'll just sleep for a while just for an hour or so.I intertwined my fingers to Len's holding his hand tight. Please wake up Len... Then after that, I fell asleep right away...

Len's P.O.V

I opened my eyes to see that I'm in an unfamiliar white room. What?? What happened to me?? All I remember was.... Wait.... Miku... Grandfather.... Oliver..... OLIVER!!! How is he doing??!?! I really wanna know. I knew I can't move... I'm so hopeless.. Until... I felt something on my hand. What?? I immediately looked at it. And saw another hand.

WHO THE HECK IS THIS???!?! I looked for the owner of the hand. And saw... Oliver... He's sleeping like an angel. His white silky beautiful skin. Its so soft. I immediately missed him when I was out.. Anyway... How long was I out?

I shook my hand.. I TRIED to shake my hand. And I finally did it.. I just want oliver to know that I'm okay. I noticed him wake up. He looked at me with wide eyes. He's almost gonna cry. Why?? "L-len!!! You're awake!! You're awake!!" He cried and hugged me so tight. As if I have net seen him for a hundred years. But... Its always nice to know that oliver loves me so much. I wanted to hug him back. But I cant move without hurting. "O-oliver..." I said his name softly.. He looked up at me and smiled. "Len.... I missed you so much!!! You idiot!! Why did you do that?!?!" He slightly scolded at me. He really does care. "I... I d-dont want her to, h-hurt you Oliver..." I said. Len shook his head."Len... You could have been killed!!" He said. I smiled at him. "Remember what I said 3 years from now??? I'll do everything for you.." I said. I noticed him smile at me. "Len... You always keep your word. I love you so much.." He told me. My heart felt overwhelmed. "I love you too oliver."

A few minutes later, I noticed Oliver asleep. I sighed and smiled. Oh oliver... Suddenly, a nurse came inside... "Oh... You're awake and I noticed that your company is asleep. You see, he never slept for three days." She said. "How long was I out?" I asked. "About 3 days." She said. I was shocked. Oliver didn't rest ever since I was out.

Oliver cared for me so much. Oliver..... You made my life happier.. You changes my life.. I love you so much...

..thank you oliver...

I Never Would Have Thought (A LenxOliver Vocaloid Fanfic) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now