Why Do You Have To Go?

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//Two chapters in one day!! THANK YOU WEEKENDS!!!!!


Len's P.O.V

I was clearly stressed out. I was practicing here in the studio. I don't know why though.. I really want to see oliver. He's not with me at the studio. So I was just waiting for the time.

As I walked through the busy halls, I spotted Rin talking to our manager. I wonder what. My manager noticed that I was there. "Oh Len! Your here, I have something to tell you." She said I lifted an eyebrow of what she said. "Yeah? what is it?" I asked.

"You and Rin will have a concert on Italy, China and Korea. There may be a chance that you would have it on Taiwan and Australia too." She said. What? a world tour concert?!?! But... What about Oliver??

"What?!?! But.. How long?? How long am I going back?!?!" I exclaimed. I don't want to leave oliver alone. I cant bring him with me. I won't even have time for him either. Dang.. "In about 6 months."

6 MONTHS?!?!? I cant do that?!? I can't even survive a day without Oliver. I guess there's nothing I can do now. "O-ok. I-im looking forward to that." I said. The manager nodded and left. Rin patted my shoulder. "I know how much you'll miss him, Len. But at least. This is a challenge for you guys." She said. I nodded slightly. How I could I say this to Oliver?? "And The manager said that we'all be going in 2 days. So at least spend more time with him. And Len, You can always keep in touch with him." Rin added. She's right. I could always keep in touch with Oliver. But... It wouldn't be the same anymore.

"Let's go home, Len." Rin said. "I'll.... I'll go to Oliver's house first okay?? Tell mom and dad that.. I'm staying at his place for tonight okay??" I said. Rin nodded. "Alright... i know how much time you needed. But... Try not to miss him too hard okay??" I nodded. 6 months without Oliver huh?? I wonder how it felt like.


~At Oliver's House~

Still Len's PO.V

Im infront of Oliver's house. I knocked at the door three times. "Coming!!" The voice of Oliver's mom was all I hear. She opened. The door and was shocked that I was there.

"Len? Oh your here for Oliver??" She asked and I nodded. She offered me a seat at the couch. She obsereved me quietly. I was guessing that something was wrong. "Len... Is there something wrong??" She asked. I explained every detail to her.

"Oh... I'm so sorry Len... I hope you can work this out with oliver, He's in his room right now. So you could come up there." She said. I nodded and excused myself. I walked through the upstair hallways and spotted Oliver's room. I gently knocked at it, and then the sound of the door was heard. As it opened, I saw the most beautiful thing that I wanted to see everyday.... Oliver.

Oliver's P.O.V

As I opened the door, I saw Len.. What is he doing here?? He looked sad. Why?? Is there something wrong?? "Len!! Your here..." I hugged him happily. And he hugged me back. I was so happy... He's always there for me. I couldn't stand a Day without him. I could sense his sadness in the hug. So I have to ask.

"Len... Is there something wrong??" I looked at him sadly. I was shocked. He was crying. Why?? I hugged him tight. "Len... Tell me."

"Oliver... I have to do a concert in 2 days." Is that was he was worrying about?? "That's okay Len! its just a concer-"

"No Oliver!! its a world Tour!! I won't be back in 6 months!!!" I was constantly shocked. He's going away?? without me?? Len..... "Wh-what?" I was trying to process what he said. He's going to leave me?? He puts his hands on my cheeks and eyed me. "I'm sorry Oliver, but I have to do it. I'll see you in 6 months okay?? I promise.. we'all always keep in touch. We'll email each other or some sorts!!" He said. He's trying to cheer me up. Tears are escaping from my eyes. I hugged him so tight. I don't want him to go. No matter how much we keep in touch, It wouldn't be the same anymore.

"Oliver... Please don't cry... For the last 2 days that we will see each other in person, Smile for me please?? don't cry.. I don't like it when you cry." He said. I smiled brightly. This is what he wants. He wants me to smile. Because crying would ruin my image.

"So, I'm gonna sleep here. with you okay?? Let's rest for today..." He said. I nodded. He was cuddling me in my bed. he's so warm. I feel safe. I would always miss this. I looked up at him and kisses him on the lips. He kissed me back. His lips are so soft..  gonna miss that too.. His smile.. everything...


...Why Do You Have To Go??...

//Awww!! Do you like it?? please!!! tell me if you like it!!

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