2-4-19 11:33PM

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Today, I feel like a wound has been healed. Today, I feel like I have come to peace with my past. Today, I am glad that I have spoken to you. Today, I am glad that you've reached out to me. Now there is one thing down, and more to come. Now I am worried what the future will bring. I am not worried about what happened today. She knows I have a new best friend. That's not shocking, I expected that. We talked about you a very small bit. I don't want to tell you, but I can say that it wasn't anything bad. It was good things. I felt proud about what I said. But our situation is complicated right now. I am willing to wait. I know nobody is perfect. Everyone has their own flaws. I tell myself that often. Not only is it true, but it's making me a better person overall by saying it. I'm not easily frustrated by my grandma as I was. I'm able to tolerate a lot more crazy at school. I hear stories, and how they worked out easily. I get jealous knowing how easy they worked out for many different people. But I then remember our situation. It's definitely not the easiest for many reasons. When I think of that, I am okay with how complicated it is. I am thankful it is not easy. That may not make sense to you, but believe me, if it was easy then there's a chance for anything to happen. Knowing it's hard and we both still stick around, then that shows a lot on its own. 

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