Chapter 22 - Promise

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(Y/N) leans her weight against Chloe, who follows Nate down the bridge. The two women struggle, stumbling along.

''Lazarevic...'' (Y/N) grumbles, weakly.

''Stuff Lazarevic.'' Chloe says, determined to help her through this.

''I'll clear a path!'' Nate yells back.

Chloe and (Y/N) slowly catch up, keeping a steady pace between them.  "Come on, honey, you can do it...''  

The two stop behind a pillar, letting Nate fight the soldiers in front. (Y/N) lets Chloe have a break, using the wall for support. ''I'm sorry - about everything I said.'' She apologises and Chloe chuckles, shrugging.

''I would've been the same.'' She admits. ''But you need to save your energy, so I would keep it shut.'' She tells her, half serious, half joking.

(Y/N) lets out a breathy chuckle, nodding. Chloe looks around the corner and hurries back over to her, placing the injured woman's arm back around her neck. ''Okay, we're gonna move. Come on, you can do it.''

Nate looks back and sees the person he cared about the most in immense pain. He becomes angry and upset all at once. Angry at someone hurting her, upset over how he could do nothing to help her but get her out.

''We got company!'' He shouts.

''Okay, hang back.'' Chloe mutters, heading behind another pillar of the bridge and letting (Y/N) lean against it.

A few more agonising mintues pass before Nate takes the others out. Chloe lets (Y/N) lean on her once again, noticing how she was more weak than before.

''We're moving again, come on, I know you can do it.'' Chloe mutters, the two once again struggling to keep up the pace.

The trunks off the tree grow onto the bridge and Chloe curses them under her breath. ''Come on, let's step over this...''

(Y/N) groans in pain, a few tears down her face and Nate waits for them, keeping cover of them with his gun raised.

The three reach a large bridge leading out of the city. Nate looks back over his shoulder and Chloe moves a few steps forward with (Y/N).

''All right, I think that's the last of them.'' He says, looking back at (Y/N), who is being sat down on a nearby rock.

''Hey -'' Nate crouches down, placing his arm on (Y/N)'s. ''Hey, (Y/N), how you doin', huh?'' He questions, his voice holding clear worry and fear. She cries out in pain as a response, the tears falling fast as she tries to lie on the rock, wanting the pain to stop.

''Not good...'' Chloe answers, almost at a whisper, kneeling next to the rock.

Nate places his hands on her face, gently wiping away the tears with his thumb. ''You just hang in there, okay? I'm countin' on you.'' He says.

(Y/N) shakily nods and he puts his lips on her forehead. ''I need you.'' He whispers.

Straightening back up, Nate turns to Chloe. ''Head for the gate - go as fast as you can.''

''Wait, what do you mean?'' She questions. Nate looks down at the tree and Chloe realises now what he means.

''No - no way.'' She says, standing up.

''Look, Chloe, I have to end this.''

''No. You don't. Don't you dare take on this stupid crusade.'' She orders. Behind them, (Y/N) tries to sit up, but fails to do so, creating more pain for herself.

Nate can't bare to stand it any longer and he turns away. ''Just get her outta here.'' He tells her, Chloe now back kneeling down to comfort.

''Not without you.''

''Look, if that stuff could really transform Lazarevic and his army...''

''Please don't do this.''

''if it could actually make him invincible, and I didn't try to stop it...''

''But this is suicide, and you know it.'' Chloe puts her foot down, telling him what he needs to hear. Yet Nate doesn't listen to her, waving a hand. ''Just go. Get her as far away from this place as you can.'' He orders, turning and sitting down at the side of the bridge.

''Nate...'' (Y/N) chokes out, her voice cracking. He turns back to see her smile, not as bright as before anymore.

''Promise you'll be back.'' Her voice was barely a whisper, but Nate heard it loud and clear. He needed to come back for her.

It was all for her.

''I promise.''

With the promise hanging in the air, Nate jumps down to end this once and for all.

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