Ch. 1

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I sat my head on my hand. Finally, the alcohol was kicking in. And this time it wasn't the exciting, bubbly, kind of drunk like I was used to. It was more along the lines of exhausted and grumpy drunk. I groaned as my head pounded from the loud music, and flashing lights. I needed to leave. I looked around the bar for Liam. But he was no where in sight. "Fucking hell." I mumbled, standing from the bar stool.

  I moved through crowds of people. A few sending winks, and one even grabbed my ass. I just told them off and moved on. I was not in the mood to get in a fight right now. But if someone were to really piss me off, I wouldn't hesitate to deck them in the face.

  I finally found Liam leaning on a wall, flirting with some blonde bloke. I rolled my eyes and made my wasy over to them. "Li, I need home." I groaned. My head felt like it might explode. It smelt like sweaty bodies and cologne, which definitely was helping.

  He turned his attention away from the guy and frowned. "I'm kinda talking to someone right now, mate." He said, gesturing to the blonde. Now looking at this guy, he wasn't blonde. That was definetly dyed. "Who? This fake blonde prick? C'mon Li, I'm piss drunk and I need to leave."I slurred. The blonde squinted at me and rolled is eyes.

  Liam scoffed, "Then go catch a cab or something." Liam was kind of being an asshole right now. He was usually a big teddy bear, I don't know what his problem was. The blonde continued to drink from his glass, and watch me. His eyes roamed over me far too long for my liking. "Hey, eyes are up here boyo." I snapped. His face reddened slightly. "Sorry, didn't mean to check you out." He laughed. He had a very loud laugh and also an Irish accent I picked up on. "Whatever, Li I'll go home or something. Have fun I guess." Liam just sent me a nod and turned back to the guy.

  I stomped away from them, slightly pissed at Liam for not taking me home. It's not my fault he hasn't gotten any in a while. I don't know how I was gonna get home though. I spent most of my money on pints and a few shots with some guy. Where even was I? I think we were at some bar in Cheshire. It was the third bar of the night, and I was officially wasted.

  Now that I think about it, I think my friend lives close by. Zayn said something about renting an appartment here to me last month. I'll just call him them. I pulled out my phone and dialed him. He answered immediately. "Lou?" "Zaynie!" I yelled. God, my own voice was killing my head. I heard him chuckle on the other line. "What's up mate? How are you?" "Well, I'm pissed drunk." I giggled. Some girl winked at me as I passed her. I fake gagged and she scoffed and turned away. "Hey, don't get all pissy cause I'm getting more dick than you." I hollered at the girl. She turned to look back at me with a surprised gasp. And then she quickly stomped away.

  I rolled my eyes and continued walking. "Oh god Louis. Where are you? You're very very drunk." He said, suppressing his laughter.

  I looked around. I was in a hallway I think. The walls were painted a dark green, and there were neon lights on the edges of the walls that flickered brighty. "Uhm, some bar in Holmes Chapel." I mumbled. "Holmes Chapel, Cheshire? I didn't know you were in town!" "Yep, that's me. I'm in town." I nodded and sat down on the floor, leaning against the wall. "You live near by right? Could I maybe... I don't know, come see you? It's too loud here." I yelled the last part, for emphasis.

  I heard him laugh again. "Of course Lou. I'm at Melly Ridge, do you need me to pick you up?" "No, no, no, no. I can walk perfectly fine thank you very much. What room number are you?" "3Bb, I'll buzz you in." I nodded, not realizing he couldn't see me. "Uh huh, buh-bye now!" I giggled, hanging up.

  I stood up from my place on the floor and stood, stretching and falling back into the wall. My body ached and the room was far too bright for my eyes. Little stars danced across my vision and I felt myself sway a little. I steadied myself and then pushed past the heavy door. The wind whipped past me, messing up my hair. I wrapped my jacket around myself tighter. I shivered and walked down the sidewalk. My phone said his appartment complex was only a few blocks away.

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