Ch. 4

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As soon as I left Louis at his house, I felt my stomach fluttering. Louis was so sweet and funny. I hadn't had a connection with someone like him in awhile.

  I turned on my radio as I drove down the almost empty road. Consequences by Camila Cabello turned on. It was one of my favorites. I sang along as I thought about Louis. I ended up connecting some of the lyrics to him.

  I tuned out the world as Louis took up my whole mind. The way he brushed his hair out of his face when he was talking. It was such an insignificant detail, but it was something I had picked up on. He did it quite a lot, and I found it cute. And the way he mumbled when he bit his fingernails. Then I could never understand what he was saying, but every time he did it, it made me smile to myself.

  He was just so oblivious and happy. He always had sassy comebacks to anything that I had said. He was quick witted, and pretty confident. Which was something that I admired. I was jealous that he could be so independent and just live freely, I wish I could be like him.

  I never wanted the night to end, and I had a feeling that he felt the same way. Or at least, I hoped he did. But I don't think anything could ever happen between us. I mean, I had Nick after all. Sure he was away, but I would never cheat.

  Then my little serene moment of thinking about Louis was ruined. Nick has to come into the picture and ruin everything. I loved Nick. I told myself. He was so nice to me, and he said he loved me too. But did he really? He never texts me back anymore, and I felt lonely.

  I pulled into the apartment complex parking lot. Sighing as I turned off the radio. The world felt like it was on pause. There was barely any cars, and almost all of the light were off in the building.

  I walked up to the front doors, the only sound was my shoes crunching against the gravel. The silence calmed down, and I felt numb. The high from the date fading. The date. Date. I had just referred to it as a date.

  Oh god. I hate myself. This wasn't supposed to happen at all. No, it's fine. It was an accident. I didn't really think of it as a date, just called it that. Yeah. That made sense.

  I made my way inside, smiling at the lady at the front desk. "Good evening, Mr. Styles. You're home pretty late. Out with Mr. Grimshaw?" She asked, smirking knowingly. I only shook my head, blushing lightly. "Uhm no actually. Just my friend Louis." I smiled to myself. She nodded curtly. "Well, have a good night, sir." She grinned. I smiled back politely. "Thanks, you too."

  I rode in the elevator quietly, trying not to think about Louis or Nick. That was just something I wasn't emotionally ready to handle at the moment.

  I unlocked the door, groaning as I walked into my empty home. "I'm home, dd." I called. I stepped into the living room, seeing Dusty curled into a ball on the couch. Her head perked up at the movement and she let out a little meow. I cooed and walked over to her. "Hello, darling. Sorry I left for so long. I was out with Louis! You like him, right?" I murmured, petting her fur.

  Obviously, she didn't answer. Just purring as I continued to pet her. Dusty was the only stable thing in my life that I could depend on. No matter what, she was always waiting for me at the end of the day.

  I picked her up, cradling her to my chest. I hummed a little tune that I had stuck on my mind for awhile. I don't know where it was from, it just came to me one day, and it just stuck. I marched over to my bedroom with her still in my arms. I hummed louder, pretty much serenading the cat. Poor thing.

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