Ch. 7

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I sat out on my balcony, drawing little pictures of the flowers on the railing. They were small little white hydrangea's that Gemma had bought me a couple weeks ago. I was honestly surprised I had kept them alive for this long.

My phone chimes from its spot on the table next to me, I just ignored it and continued to doodle the flowers and hum the tune that I came up with the other day. But now I had more to it.

"And oh.. we started, two hearts in one home. It's hard when we argue, we're both stubborn.. I know, but oh. Sweet creature.. sweet creature." And I just hummed and sang the rest. I was proud of myself for thinking of it all, and working on it.

My phone chimed again, so I decided to finally look at it. It was Louis. My heart immediately beated faster.

Lou: Wanna hang later?

Hazza: Sure, where to?

Lou: some pub downtown that's opening, you ok with that?

Hazza: Yeah! What time?

Lou: ill pick you up around 7?

Hazza: perfect, see ya then

Lou: perfect x

The 'x' made butterflies in my stomach. And I was already giddy and excited for 7. I still had about 4 hours left, but I'd just clean and maybe call Gemma for a bit. It's about time I tell her about Louis.

I honestly didn't expect him to stay in my life. But I'm really glad he did. He's one of my best friends now, and I don't know what I'd do without him.

I walked inside to feed Dusty, and picked up my cell to call her. It rang a few times until she picked up.

"Hello?" She asked, she sounded tired. "Gemma?" "Harry?" I laughed at that, and sat down on the couch.

"Yep, it's Harry." She sighed happily and I heard ruffling in the back.

"How are you? I haven't spoken to you in weeks, it feels like."

"Great, how about you?"

"I'm fine. How's Nick?"

I immediately tensed at the name and ran my fingers through my knotty hair. "Eh, fine I think."

"You think?"

"Haven't spoken to him in awhile.."

"What do you mean?" She asked, she sounded annoyed. Which didn't surprise me, she didn't really like Nick.

"He's just been a little busy lately." I trailed off.
She sighed loudly, "Haz, he should still make some time for you. He's your boyfriend for God's sake!"

"I know, I know! But work is important too, ok? He pays for some of my rent, so I get it."
She grumbled something and I heard more ruffling in the back.

"How's mom doing?" Gemma lived right down the road from her, and I hate to admit it, but I haven't visited in a little while.

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