Ch. 2

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  I followed Harry out into his nice marble kitchen. His kitchen had stainless steal appliances, and a big bouquet of red, pink, and yellow flowers sat on his counter. I sat down on one of his bar stools as he walked around the bar into the cooking area. "Does an omlette sound ok?" He asked, tucking a stray curl behind his ear. "That sounds perfect, love. But you really don't have to. I mean, I'm kind of suprised you haven't called the cops on me yet." I laughed. He giggled, getting the stuff he needed out of the fridge. Fucking giggled. And it was the sweetest sound I had ever heard.

  "I don't want you to starve, and I was gonna make myself breakfast anyways. I'd much rather spend my breakfast with someone than sitting alone with my cat." I watched his back as he cracked an egg into a bowl. His muscles flexed underneath his thin white shirt. I really wanted him to take it off.

  I messed with the flowers on his counter. "Lovely flowers." I commented. He turned around to me, his eyebrows knitted together. "Uh, yeah. Got 'em as a gift." Then he turned back around to breakfast. "From?" I asked, hoping he didn't have a girlfriend or boyfriend. "From my boyfriend." He mumbled. I stiffened, and stopped touching the flowers. "Hm, how long have you guys been together?" "A couple months." He answered. So, maybe they weren't that attached yet. But if I was dating Harry for even a week, I'd be so whipped for him. So I'm assuming if this guy is in his right mind, he's the same.

  "You guys share this appartment?" I asked. Harry laughed, shaking his head. "Oh no, we're not at that stage yet. He's actually away at the moment. He's in the states." "Ah, I've been there once. It's nice." He nodded, finishing our breakfast and holding out a plate to me, which I took happily.

  "He's away quite a lot, which I wasn't really expecting when we first started dating. I know this sounds pathetic, but I miss his attention." He wouldn't make eye contact as he spoke. His face was a light pink and bit his lip nervously, but it was cute. "I understand. I mean, a guy like you needs someone to hold him. I get it." His head snapped up, and his blush darkened. "I-I mean.. y-yeah. I guess you're right." His eyes were an innocent pale green. "It's a shame, I need someone to hold." I murmured, mostly to myself. But he picked up on it.

  He sat down next to me at the bar with his own plate. "So, mind telling me how you got in?" His knee was only a few inches away from mine, and it took everything in me not to touch him. "Well, you see. You left a cute little froggy key on your door frame." I smirked. He giggled, blushing again. "Yeah, my sister made it for me when I first moved in." "It's cute. It suits you." I smiled.

  I took the first bite, moaning at the taste. "God, Hazza! This is amazing!" I took a few more bites and watched him smile at me. "Thanks, I used to work at a bakery." I hummed, "Well, you're a great cook, you can make me breakfast anytime you want." He flushed pink again and took a bite of his own. We ate in silence, then once I finished I offered to wash the plates.

  "No, it's really fine Lou. I can do it myself." "Lou?" I asked, shyly. His eyes widened at the slip. "S-sorry, it just kinda came out." "No, it's quite alright. I like it." I grinned, as he coughed uncomfortably. "Well, after I wash these I'll be out of your hair, Harry." He laughed. "I hated that." "Did you? I thought it was pretty good." I laughed, as he giggled again. He was so adorable.

"Before you go, can I ask for your number? Or would that be completely innapropriate?" The way he said it, made me think that he wanted this to happen too. I smirked and shook my head. "Not at all, I'd love to keep in touch." We swapped numbers, all the while, Harry's smile lit up the whole room.

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