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When I woke up, the last thing I expected were a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and a weight on my back. My breath hitched, and I looked over at the blue-eyed boy, who had his head pressed into my neck and shoulder joint. He looked so calm lying there. His breath fanned over my back softly, causing me to shiver involuntarily. I felt butterflies in my stomach. No, more that that. A whole swarm of them. So many butterflies.

"Lou?" I whispered quietly. He didn't budge. I turned around in his arms. I ran my hand through his hair slowly, calling his name another time. He scrunched his nose and pushed his head back into my neck. "Just let me be." He whined, his lips ghosting over my neck. I gupled and closed my eyes, trying to stay calm. "C'mon, Lou. I need to go to the bathroom." He didn't reply, just wrapped his arms tighter and nuzzled his head more into my neck.

"I want you to stay here with me though." He grumbled. I sighed, laughing lazily. "I would love that, really. But I really need to piss Louis." He laughed, a throaty (and hot) morning laugh. He nodded and let his grip slip away. I sat up slowly, and stretched on the edge of the bed. I wouldn't admit to it, but that was the best sleep I'd ever had. I made way across the room and into the bathroom. My hair was curled messily around my head, and was knotted towards the end on my shoulder. I brushed my fingers through them, trying to look better for Louis.

I went to the bathroom, and went back to the mirror. My lips were slightly swollen from sleeping with my mouth open, I'm suprised Louis didn't see the drool on his arm yet. I picked up my blue toothbrush and brushed my teeth. As I did, Louis knocked on the door. "Harry? You good?" He asked, his voice still rough. "Yeah, come in." I gurgled back, toothepaste leaking out of my mouth. Louis peaked his head through the door and smiled. "Hello beautiful." He laughed, coming in. I felt like a blushing idiot, I had toothepaste running down my chin.

He stood next to me, smiling widely. I continued to laugh, and then turned my head back to the sink. "I've got a spare one in the drawyer." I said, motioning to the large cabinet behind him. He nodded and opened it, pulling a yellow toothebrush and a mini travel size toothepaste. He came to the sink, and began brushing his teeth as I finished up mine. He made a mess as well, by the end we were both giggling messes.

We walked out of the bathroom together and walked towards the living room. Louis ran over to Dusty who rested on the coffee table and scooped her up into his arms. "Good morning, darling!" He yelled and kissed her head. "I didn't get a 'Good morning, darling.'" I frowned, faking a pout. He turned to me, smirking. "That can be arranged." He made his way to me and pulled me into a long hug. Just standing there for a few minutes, enjoying eachothers bodies. "Good morning, darling." He whispered into my neck. I shivered and sighed into his shoulder. This is what I had always wanted. To wake up with my lover and be called cute little pet names, and surprise hugs and kisses. But Nick was always away.

  His hugs were so relaxing, and I wanted to hug him forever. He smelt so good. Like citrus maybe? "You smell good." I mumbled into his hair. I heard his sweet laugh, and he pulled away. "Thanks, Hazza." His eyes squinted when he laughed, and he rolled his eyes jokingly. He was so pretty.

  He made his way into the kitchen, I followed a few steps behind. I was trying very hard not to look at his ass. But he had such a great one, woah. "What do you want for breakfast, love?" He asked, turning to me. The light from the window was still a bright morning light, and it made his eyes look like a foggy ghost blue. Plus, his skin looked radiant in this lighting. "I can cook, Lou." I said, stepping towards the fridge. He pulled my arm until I was right in front of him. "No! You made it last time! It's my turn!" He pouted.

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