Ch. 18

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  "Should I tell them three's okay?" I asked, covering the telephone with my hand. Louis rolled over towards me on the couch, wrapped tightly in one of my throw blankets. He covered a yawn with the back of his hand, and shrugged before turning back over.

  I rolled my eyes. "Three's fine, mum." I answered, leaning up against the wall in the kitchen. "That's great! I've missed you so much." I could hear the smile through her voice. I smiled as well, excited for her to meet Louis finally. She was probably getting annoyed with how much I gushed about him.

  "I've missed you too." I replied, twirling the wire around my knuckles. "Okay, well I'll see you then, alright?" She chirped on the other line, sounding like a happy child. "Okay!"

  We said our 'i love yous' and hung up. I walked around the bar, and into the living room with a napping Louis. He had been lounging around all morning, since we stayed up pretty late last night.

  "We'll leave around 10, if that's okay with you sleepyhead." I teased, sitting down by his feet at the end of the couch. His foggy morning blue eyes looked up at me with a bored expression. He yawned again, and buried his face into the couch cushions. "Preston's only like an hour away. Why can't we just stay in until 2?" He pleaded, with puppy eyes.

  I giggled, and ran my hand up and down his leg soothingly. "I wanna show you around before we meet up with my family. It'll be fun, I promise! Our own little adventure." I smiled warmly, trying to put him in a better mood.

  He grumbled, but gave me a wide smile. "That does sound quite appealing actually." His morning voice was still prominent and groggy, and it made me swoon. I thought it was charming, and he looked nice and cuddly in the mornings. So I squished myself between him and the head of the couch, snuggling myself into his chest comfortably. "You're cute." He grinned, and wrapped an arm loosely around my waist.

  I only shook my head, and nuzzled further into his chest. "We can cuddle till 11, okay?" I offered, looking up to catch his reaction. His eyes were shut, and the corner of his lip was pulled between his sharp teeth. I couldn't quit staring at him.

  "That's fine." He responded, opening his eyes. They were staring directly at me, and he smiled to see I was already watching him. "What?" He chuckled. I only shook my head and looked down between us. "Nothing. You're attractive is all." I smiled, leaning up to get a kiss. He happily moved to connect our lips, and squeezed my hip as he slipped his tongue into the kiss. He adjusted our position so that he was planking over me, with his hips flushed to mine.

  I blushed at the contact, but bucked up nonetheless. "Thought you'd be exhausted from last night." Louis teased, moving hair from my face when he pulled away. I only groaned, and covered my face. "Quit!" My face was now beating red, and I sported a semi.

  He leaned low to kiss my collarbone, before slowly moved up to nip at my ear. "Still have it in for me?" He hushed, trailing a hand to wrap around my body. His fingers danced over my lower back, and I could feel my heart pick up. I gulped and nodded quickly. He pressed at the plug, and I jerked forward with a surprised gasp. He smirked above me, and bit down on my jaw. "So good for me." He praised, squeezing at my bum.

  Louis never failed to rile me up. I loved him for it even more, and everything he did to me. Just the way he touched me made me lose all grasp on reality.

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