Ch. 3

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As soon as Harry texted saying he would pick me up at 4, I actually did a little dance. I never knew I'd be the cheesy type who fancied guys quickly, but that's just what Harry does to people I guess.

I got out of the cab that was driving me home and stood out in front of my house. It was kinda small, but it worked for me. It was an eggshell white, with dark brown shingles, with a nice large window that made the house look bigger than it really was.

As I walked through my front yard, I couldn't get Harry off of my mind. His curls were the prettiest thing I've ever seen, and his eyes were so different. I mean, I'd seen green eyes before, but his eyes were a whole other level of green. When I caught myself staring at him during breakfast, I saw the speckles of other colors in them. Some browns, blues, and types of grays mixed in. They were so beautiful.

I almost tripped over the steps to my house, too busy thinking about Harry to notice them. I unlocked the door and made my way inside, sighing at the change of temperature. It was kinda freezing in my house.

I ran up my stairs, and made my way to my room, jumping all the way from the door and flinging myself onto my unmade bed. It was 2:30, so I still had awhile until Harry came to pick me up. Which now that I thought about it, was this considered cheating? It's not necessarily a date, but I thought maybe he felt something too. I just realized how crazy that sounds, never mind. He had a boyfriend, who obviously loved him. I mean he got him a whole ass bouquet of flowers.

I suffocated myself with my pillow, groaning loudly and kicking my feet like a child. "Harry, you are going to be the death of me." I mumbled under my breath.

  I rolled back over, staring at my ceiling and thinking of the green eyes angel I had met earlier. Then my phone buzzed, shaking me from my thoughts.

  I grabbed it immediately, hoping for it to be Harry. Which it was. I smiled widely, reading his text.

From: Hazza
To: Lou
  You're not afraid of heights, right?

  I furrowed my eyebrows at the random question, typing back quickly.

  Uhh no, why?

  Just had to make sure, thought maybe I could take you to the Spring Festival?

  That sounds great, Harold! Omg I've never been before

  How have you not?? It's so fun! Also, name is not Harold

  Idk just never got the chance to I guess, and I'm pretty sure it is..

  You'll love it Lou:) and nope, it's not

  I'm sure I will;) thanks for inviting me Harold

  Harry, and of course!! I'd like to get to know you better xx

  My heart stopped at the double x. Doesn't that mean kisses? Harry sent kisses. But, are they friendly kisses? Or bend me over the table and fuck me kisses?

  I'd like to get to know you better too. See ya then, I'm gonna take a quick shower

  Alright, see ya xx

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