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Third person pov

Your soulmate is someone you cherish no matter what. Finding your other half is rare, but fulfilling in every sense of the word. Being with them makes you the happiest you have ever been and ever will be, and loving anyone else becomes a near impossible feat. Everyone pales in comparison to your soulmate, and they always will. Nobody can satisfy you like they can, and there's no possible way to resist to pull. Once you finally meet, you're inevitably drawn back together.

Touya Todoroki met his soulmate the day he ran away from home. Sixteen years old and bearing fresh wounds that probably should have killed him, he found himself stumbling through the darkened streets of some back district in Musutafu. He didn't have a phone, or a place to go. Only the clothes on his back and the bandages he'd sloppily wrapped around his shaking limbs. Looking back, it was a shock he was walking at all sporting such severe wounds.

His soulmate, Takashi Akiota, had been the one to find him. It was easily the happiest moment of Touya's life, even if it was also the most painful. Nothing beat meeting the person you were destined to be with. Touya had been so afraid of ending up like his father. Of never finding someone to love, or being unable to love someone. As fate would have it, he didn't have to worry about either of those things. He loved Takashi by default, and was meant to be with him.

Takashi had been the one to nurse him back to health. The boy lived with his grandmother in a dingy little house out the outskirts of the small cluster of different neighborhoods. Touya was one-hundred percent sure he would have died in that alley if not for his dear soulmate. He would have succumb to his extensive wounds, or simply laid there in pain until his body decided it best to simply give up on him. One of the two.

Fifteen years old, with messy brown hair and bright green eyes, Takashi was only a year younger than Touya. A freshman in highschool. He was by far one of the most cheerful, outgoing people Touya had ever had the pleasure of meeting. However, he was easily the most terrifying as well. His temper wasn't the easiest to trigger, but God forbid you do. The angrier Takashi got, the stronger he became. Literally. That was his quirk: Rage.

Touya learned quickly that honesty was the best policy with Takashi. He didn't take kindly to being lied to. So Touya simply didn't lie. He told him the whole truth. He spilled about Endeavor and his abuse, and about his mother, who was trapped in that damn psych ward. He let out his frustrations about his quirk and his lack of control over it. He told Takashi everything.

In turn, Takashi did the same. He talked about his parents who'd both died in the line of duty as police officers, and about life here with his grandma. He worked part time to help support the poor older woman, who could no longer muster up enough energy to hold a job. Touya swore up and down that he'd get them both out of here as soon as he recovered. He'd do anything for them.

Hiding from his father, who would never accept Takashi as Touya's soulmate even if the boy did go back, was... scary, to say the least. They dyed his hair, though his scars were probably enough of a mask to hide him. God, those scars. He'd been so... ashamed of them. When he peeled those bandages off in front of Takashi, he'd been afraid.

But Takashi hadn't faltered in the slightest. He only smiled brightly and called Touya handsome, planting a chaste kiss on his lips. Their first kiss with one another. It was a moment Touya would cherish no matter what.

Hiding from his father meant he couldn't complete his education. He wasn't an idiot; in fact, he'd been nearly top of the class at UA, in the General Studies course. That wasn't the issue. If he wasn't attending school and didn't graduate, he couldn't easily get a traditional yet low-key job that would keep him under the radar. And if he couldn't do that, he couldn't provide for his soulmate.

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