Let's just ship across Multiverses

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- DS!Nightmare: Dark         - Original Nightmare : Nightmare

- DS!Ink : Paint                         - Original Ink : Ink; Comyet

- DS!Error : Glasses                - Original Error : Error; Crayon Queen

Dreamswap : Onebizarrekai     /    Dreamtale :Jokublog  ___________________________________________

Information about this story :

Nobody acts normal ( probably )

-Dream was trapped in a stone for a long time, but he already got out by the time off the storys events

- It  will include Inkmare and Errormare, but... well... across multiverses, at least if I continue

- Nightmare and Error are tired off their balance, but they don't really want to die

- I used parts off the Forced God of Destruction concept, which belongs to Harrish6.

- Nightmare lives alone in a place similiar to the void, is able to shapeshift between corrupted and passive form and got abandond by dream after he was released from his stone-prison


There was nothing other than darkness in this place, well almost nothing. A single person lived there, avoiding every other living being. This person was known as the guardian of negative emotions, until he became corrupted. Their name was Nightmare, his name to be exact. He was feared by almost everyone, exept by a few other " villans ", mostly Error. This wasn't because Nightmare couldn't tear Error apart in seconds, which he probably could with the amount off negative feelings Error was radiating, oh no, this was because both understood the others pain. As bad as they might seem, the Destroyer of Worlds and the King of Fear, both off them just wanted the constant fights to stop.

Nightmare was busy trying to ignore that he had noone exept Error left, when the sound of a portal opening ringed through his home. People normally couldn't teleport here, unless he gave them permission to, and it didn't sound like one of Errors portals. Infact he was pretty sure he never heard someone making a portal with that sound. So he jumped at the sound, quickly searching for the source, already in his corrupted form.

" Hello ? " , he called out. After a few seconds shifting noises could be heard. What the hell ? As Nightmare appraoched, he could see a figure wearing a long brown scarf. Was that Ink ? Sure seemed liked it, but how the hell managed the Creator to get into his realm ? And what was up with him being so negative ? Nightmare honestly thought Ink would be smarter than fighting him while being so frustrated. Didn't he learn anything from Dream ? Or was the Negativity his fault, well despite the fact that he was probably the reason negative emotions existed in the first place. But didn't stand anywhere near Ink, and he wasn't influencing him on purpose. That is what he was thinking about, before he noticed the second skeleton underneath Ink. He wore a purple cape and a all to familiar crown. But Nightmare could still feel his own crown, resting on top off all his goop. What was going on ?

" Stop staring, whoever you are. It's rude, if you didn't know. " , ' Ink ' said. Oh, it seemed he got up while Nightmare was staring at his counterpart.

" You...don't know who I am ? " , Nightmare would have checked him already, but his opponent didn't have a soul, just like Ink. Was he Ink though ? Maybe he was just trying to confuse him in order to get a better chance of surviving ? But Ink never was a good actor, Nightmare decided. So if that wasn't Ink, who was it ? He would just call him Paint for now.

Paint nodded, confused about the others question, since he was sure he never met this strange monster. And even though his memory wasn't the best, he was pretty sure he would have rememberd a strange skeleton that was covered by a tar like substance with tentacles growing on their back. But the goopy skeleton sounded as if they was expecting him to now them, so he tried to explain his confusion.

" My memory is pretty bad, though....So it's possible I just forgot you. Could you repeat your name, please ? " , he broke the akward silence.

" Uh, my name is Nightmare- " , he started, but got interrupted by Paint.

" Wait what ?! That's his name ! " , he said, pointing at the unconscious skeleton behind them.

Speaking of whom, he woke up as well. Now, even though his head was spinning, he felt the aura off the place surrounding them immediately. Cold and dark, more negative than anything he ever felt. Which meant he didn't get caught, nor was at Justice Reigns. Wher was he though ? As he looked around, he spotted two people. While recognizing one off them as Ink, he couldn't recall ever meeting the other. But he could tell how much negative energie they were emitting, and its huge amount was scaring him. Not because he had a problem with negativity, he was a guardian of it himself, no, it was because off the strength off that energy. It was stronger than anything he knew, including his brothers positive energy. Which should be impossible, since Dream ate almost all off the apples.

Just great he gave away his identity, and it wouldn't be easy to get out off this one, since there were no two Sanses named the same, if they weren't copies. And thanks to his stupidity, he was in his corrupted form, making him look way to different to be a copy. But he couldn't call the other him Nightmare aswell, it would just lead to further confusions. So he decided to call him Dark.


I'll just stop here, if you want me to continue the story, write a comment.

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