Happy, Nightmare ?

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Don't blame me, there are not enough bodyswap stories.

3.rd P.O.V. / Nightmare

He might consider them as his family, but the gang can be rather exhausting. The King of Fear decided to take a short nap, despite not really needing sleep. The last thing he thougt about was his brother, Dream.

 Dreams P.O.V.

There was a meeting in a few minutes, obviously about my brothers group. I sighed quietly. Why did he ate the apples in the first place ? He could have just ran away, waiting until the villagers calmed down, before coming back. But I would get my brother back either way. I will defeat that demon and find out where it hid my brother.

" Dream come on ! The meeting is starting ! " , Ink yelled from the meeting hall.


Nightmares P.O.V.

Nothing but darkness surounded me. That wouldn't be that much of a suprise in my castle, but this darkness seemed different from any other. It was comparable to the Void, was I dreaming ? Pardon, having a nightmare. Suddenly a faint glow appeared in the distance, and having nothing better to do, I walked towards it. The glowing object turned out to be an apple, a golden one to be exact. Funny, how it looked exactly like the golden apples Dream used to take care off. Before I corrupted almost all of them by accideent. Anyways, that's not important right now, since I was obviously asleep, I decided to see what would happen if I repeated the mistake I made so many years ago. Big mistake. As soon as my black goop touched the fruit, it spread. Odly enough, it didn't corrupt the whole apple like I thougt it would, but created a dark moon shape instead. I suddenly felt light-headed, however that worked in a dream, and blacked out.

Dreams P.O.V.

I didn't feel so good all of a sudden. Maybe I shouldn't go to that meeting. Against what you might think, skeletons can get sick. Though I wasn't really a skeleton, at least not fully. I'm sure Ink will cancel the meeting if I tell him about my condition. But on the other hand I can't miss a meeting, there could be news about my brother after all. My headache would die down eventually, it's probably just the stress.

" Coming ! Just give me a minute ! " , I responded, starting to run during my words. When I arrived at Inks side, he shot me a look saying ' Took you long enough. ' The Sanses from thousands of AUs were slowly starting to fill the meeting hall, chatting with each other in the process. I felt more and more miserable, feeling the urge to throw up, but continued ignoring it. That was when something forced me on my knees, where I slowly started to black out.

Why was it so dark here ? Where was I, actually ? One moment I was at the meeting hall, the next I stood in a dark abyss. That was weird, but I'll stay positive anywas. First, I had to figure out the source off this, seemingly unnaturally, darkness. As I looked down, I saw a faded purple line, leading somewhere. Being curious, I folowed it, until I reached a strange object. It was round and black, seemingly constantly dripping off a strange liquid. I couldn't tell what it was, though, since it was so dark here. I slowly approched, something inside of me telling me to stop and turn around. The feeling only got stronger as I extended my hand, leading to me pulling it back. What was I thinking ? I didn't know what that was, right ? It could be dangerous. I tried to step back, but there was something behind me. As I tried to turn around in order to see what I bumped into, something shoved me, and I fell face first on the strange object. The last thing I could recognize was a bright golden sun on a shimmering black surface. Then I blacked out once again.


Nightmares P.O.V.

Ugh, I felt like I hitted my skull on the floor again. Wait what, skull ? Oh god, please don't say I went passive on accident. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against my passive form, but the last time I changed into it, the corruption nearly trashed the entire castle, including the inhabitants. So it would be better if I stood up, but an all to familiar voice interrupted my  actions : " DREAM ?! ARE YOU ALLRIGHT ? WHAT HAPPENED ? " , I will definetly never miss Blueberrys 'overexited' voice. But why did he mistook me for Dream ? I'm pretty sure I told him about my passive form during one off the times we " kidnaped " him. Those times were more like a bounding session, but nobody outside the crew, besides Blueberry himself of course,  knew that. Where was I, anyways ? Welp, time to find it out. As I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was the bright, yellow, floor. The weirdest thing was, all off the castles floors were either black or purple.

" Dream, can you stand up ? " , another voice, I couldn't recognize at first, said. When I realised it must have been Inks voice, I shot up immidiatly, only causing my headache to grow. Man, I must have really fell hard. But that is not the problem right now, Ink is. But he didn't seem to know who I was aswell, so I might use that for my adventage.

" Ink ? You really scared me there for a second. Uhh, can you remind me where I am again ? " , I said, praying they found me being already unconscious.

" RIGHT. YOU PASSED OUT. WE ARE STILL IN THE MEETING HALL. THE MEETING HASN'T STARTED YET. " , Blueberry screamed right into my ( nonexistent ) ears.

" Can you not scream so loud, Blueberry ? I do already have a headache, you know. " , I flinched at the unfamiliar voice, I didn't remember it being that heigh.

" Uh, Dream, who's Blueberry ? " , Ink asked. Oh right, they call nim Swap. He doesn't like that name though. Sanses are definied by their name, and he didn't want to be known simply as the complete opposite of Classic. And since he always wears blue, we decided we would call him that.

" THAT- I'm sorry...That's the name Error gave me in the Anti-Void. How do you know about it though ? " , thankfully Blue listend to my adwise.

" Uh...Probably just a lucky guess ? Maybe I heard him saying it a cupple off times and accidently used it ? " , I tried talking myself out.

" Anyways, do you think we can start the meeting now ? " , Ink was a pretty ignorant person,   huh ?

" No, I think Dream needs to rest right now. I will make sure he gets a proper rest. Start the meeting without us. " , Blue literally commanded, making everyone but me stare in shock. Seriously, they never delt with this side off Blueberry ?

He litterally dragged me down a corridor, not waiting for an answer from Ink, and threw me on a random bed.

" You are not really Dream, are you. " , that didn't sound like a question at all.

" Well yes, ever saw Dream running around in purple clothes ? " , I replied sarcasticly.

" You...Aren't wearing purple clothes ? "


Dreams P.O.V.

What happened ? How the hell did I end up in a lying position, probably on a bed ? Did Ink and Blue carry me here after I fainted ? But I didn't remember ever owning such a soft bed and it would take Ink hours to make one, so where was I ? When I opened my eyes I was meeted with a suprising sight. The ceiling off the room I was currently in, wherever I was, was decorated with a giant moon and little stars besides it. Though it was probably magic, I couldn't tell how the stars seemed to be moving constantly, while the moon stood still. I looked around the room I was in a little bit more. I couldn't figure out where the light came from, it had a purple colour, though it was starting to fade in a soft blue. I would need to get up eventually, but I just wanted to lay down for a bit more, my head was killing me. Maybe I hitted it on the floor when I blacked out ? Suddenly my back started to ache painfully, it was only getting stronger by the second. My head felt as if it was melting, adding on the unberable pain. I moved my hands towards my burning eyes, feeling a strange liquid running down my face. Was I crying ? Why would I be crying ? I lost that thougt when the burning started to spread and a huge pressure bilded up inside my spine. Why can't the pain just stop ? What did I do to deserve this ?

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