Lynx(OC Sans) x Fell

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Lynx belongs to @LynxTheShifter , not me.  Though, this Oneshot was also requested by them, and even if I never really wrote a Oneshot including OCs before, I'll try my best.

By the way, this does count as Sanscest, since Lynx is a Sans, too.


Fell shivered as he wandered through Snowdin, it seemed to be colder than usual, but it wasn't his Snowdin, anyways. He had only recently learned about the AUs, and Ink and Dream weren't too happy about him asking if fighting the 'villains', without asking them why they were acting this way, was a good idea. They immidiatly accused him of sympathizing with them, and threw him out, which was the reason for him being in a random universe.

The atmosphere of this place was quite unsettling, it was way too quiet, and the snow had a weird colour, it was almost grey. Fell's footsteps echoed through the empty cave, drowning out the quiet sound of someone shifting in suprise.

She knew that everyone but her should be dead, she saw the king falling to his knees, his eyes glassy as his own sword pierced his fragile soul. She cried into her brother's scarf as her last bit of family dusted, even if it was all her fault.

Lynx's universe, B-daTale, emptied because of her stupid clumsiness. Hundreds of runs passed without any problems, despite most of them being Genocide-routes, before she accidently killed the last fallen human,  Kamon, in the 430th one. The shapeshifter didn't mean to do it, especially after everybody, even her brother Kaggy, died. Now, everything that was left of her once beutifull world was a dusty cave.

So, she had all rights to be surprised at the sudden and unexpected noise, who would visit a dead universe like hers ? Quietly, Lynx stood up, her legs still stiff from sitting on the cold ground for too long. It sounded as if whatever was making this noise was moving away from her, but she needed to find out what- or who- it was, maybe they could talk ?

A skeleton with a black and fluffy sweater, presumably another Sans, was what she found. His one golden teeth shined within the light, yet it did not make him seem cocky, he just looked...sad.

" Hello ? " , whoever this was, he was a person, someone you could talk to. Someone that could respond to your unaudible screams for help. Though, there was a hint of fear, lingering at the back of her mind. What if she'd end up losing someone again ? As soon as she gets attached, there'd be a chance of getting hurt again, of her soul finally shattering into millions of broken pieces.

As someone approached, Fell eyed them surprised, yet also worriedly. Why were they in such an empty universe ? Of course, he wasn't stupid, he knew about the Genocide-routes, after all, he was a Sans, too. Still, they did look like a human, which could mean that they might be one of the fallen ones, maybe even the one to cause this. But, even if they were a version of Frisk, why would they be so scared ?

" Do you want to tell me what happened  ? "

This question , spoken by a voice that was full of confidence, yet also soft, was not the one that she was expecting. What did she expect though?  Maybe a demand to tell her name, or an attack, but not this. Without any sort of introduction, the edgy skeleton asked something that not many would even dare to think about. Honestly it was...nice. It sounded as if he really did care, even if he never met her before. What kind of carefree universe was his home, if he chose to interact like this with a complete stranger? Maybe...He never expierienced Genocide before ?

Without her notice, the shapeshifter stopped walking towards Fell, her thoughts were keeping her occupied. Yet, she did not fail to notice the pain behind the almost masking concern, as if there was something chipping away at the skeletons mind and sanity. Was his concern even real ? Or was it just that, a mask to fool others ?

A skeletal hand touching her shoulder snapped Lynx out of her trance, Fell was trying to comfort her, without knowing wheter she needed it or not. Did she ? It certainly felt nice...Though, did she deserve it ? After letting everyone down, her parents, her best friend, her brother...? The yellow haired girl was unaware of the tears escaping her grey eyes, she thought that she had already cried all of them.

" Shh. It's okay, I'm here...." 

He himself knew pretty well what it felt like to be broken, to feel nothing but an empty void where your emotions were supposed to be, and he'd avoid anyone, no matter their personality or their actions, experiencing it longer than they had to. But, just by watching those stunning, yet pooffed eyes, he recognised the pain the other was in. It was a look of guilt and loss, of desperation and emotional pain. The last time he felt like that was when he lost his brother to the kid once, and they didn't reset, since they were only staying at the entrance of the Judgement Hall, watching him with a strange expression. Turned out, the one who he always believed to be a merciless murderer, was more sensitive than most people. The question they asked as they dropped to the ground in front of the Judge, who was preparing for yet another hopeless fight, was what changed his view on everything.
"Are you alright ? " , they asked, and while the judgmental skeleton wanted to scream that he couldn't be, after they killed everyone he cared about, but something within their voice made him pause. The last fallen human sounded genually concerned about his well-being. So, seeing no use in lieing, he answered truthfully, actually finding comfort in doing so. And, during this whole time, it would have been easy to slaughter him, but they didn't even try. When he finally finished, he blurted out a thought he had. Maybe they just wanted someone who'd listen, too?

" Do you want me to listen to your story ? " , the edgy Sans asked back then, and now he repeated the exact same words, getting a similar reaction, a face of shock and disbelief.

"Y-you ...want to hear my story ? " , really, this was a dream coming true, noone but her best friend and her family ever listened to her like that, not that either of them would be able to do it right now.

" Yes. Go ahead. " , a tingling sensation, most likely excitement and...something else, travelled through his body, as he signaled Lynx to continue talking.

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