Shattered Dreammare (4)

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This is based on a roleplay between @Warriorcat- and me.

Nightmare sighed and the white bone disappeared again, he inhaled sharply and turned around looking around the room. He had spotted the owner of the watching eyes rather quickly. "How long were you standing there ? " he asked, shaking his head. Ink nodded, he continued to watch as Dust threw multiple attacks at Cross. (1)" I was just stepping in, why? " , Dream said defensive. " You said that I was supposed to come here if I needed something, and I needed to get away from the others. Too many weird people right now. " , it wasn't exactly a lie, but was it the truth?
(2) Cross used Dusts anger to his advantage, spotting a hole in his defence and striking right there, pinning his opponent to the ground with his red glowing knife. "Told you. " , Chara stated." Well knock at least, you shouldn't sneak in. " Nightmare answered and stood up walking over to his brother. " What do you need ? " , he asked his twin. Dust didn't enjoy being pinned down, so he shouted : " Get off me Cross! " Ink nodded " That's a good strategy. Easy and effective. " But he was getting tired of watching, and so he took out his broomie and walked over to the other skeletons.

(1) " Simple, I need normality. And those Sanses down there are far from what you would call normal. So I came to you. " , Dream answered while sitting down beside him again.

(2) " Why would I ? After all, you were the one who attacked first. " , Cross responded, still not noticing the approaching skeleton. " Hey Cross. " , Chara adressed him. " What ?! Can't you see that I'm busy? " , he said while turning around, finally recognising the Creator. " Oh. " , was the only sound he managed to make.

(1) " So...what were you thinking about ? " , Dream tried to start a conversation, " You seemed to be pretty caught up in it..." Since he was with his brother again, he considered himself as safe, so his tentacles uncurled and functioned as a pillow for him to lay on. Which he did shortly after, slowly falling asleep in his brothers bed.

(2) " Heya, Ink ! Long time no see ! But I just remembered, I have to go somewhere right now! See you later ! " Cross made a run for it, opening a portal back to the mansion and dragging Chara with him. Luckily for him, Dream had already left the room, or he would have gotten in serious trouble with his senpai. However, Ink wasn't stupid, so he could tell where the portal was leading, showing him the location of Nightmare's secret hideout.

Nightmare hummed " I wasn't thinking about anything important. And yes, the group can be pretty crazy at times, but they're good teammates never the less. " Nightmare simply watched as Dream relaxed.

" Hey you idiot, where are going ?! " Dust yelled and chased after Cross. He jumped and tackled him down when they jumped through the portal. " We're not done yet! " He yelled.

(2) ' That was beyond idiotic. Now Ink knows where we live, and I'm pretty sure that Dream is still here.' , Chara stated.

" Look who is back. " , Killer acknowledged their arrival. " Your crush went to his room, along with Dream. " , he said, taunting the monochromatic skeleton. Cross blushed furiously, before storming upstairs, not without hitting Killer. Dream had forgotten to close the door, so Cross could see him sleeping in the spot he was supposed to lie.

Nightmare laid down as well, using the pillows instead of his own tentacles. " You know you have your own room, Dream..." Nightmare muttered.

Dust was going to follow Cross but he got knocked out by Ink, who had jumped through the still open portal. The Creator decided to follow Cross, it could be his only chance of finding Dream.

(1) But Dream couldn't care, since he was already asleep. But being corrupted wasn't really helpful for a good sleep, so the guardian of dreams experienced his first nightmare. That again caused him to grab onto something unconsciously, which in this case was Nightmare.

(2) To say that Cross was angry would be a lie. He was beyond furious. Dream was hugging HIS Nightmare in his sleep. Oh, he would pay with his life for sure. The sudden sound of fastly approaching footsteps interrupted his planing for vengeance. As he turned around, he was once again confronted with the Creator. In front of Nightmares room, which still had a open door, so the tiniest sound would be heard.Nightmare hugged back and tried to help Dream with his first nightmare. He even petted his skull in an attempt to comfort him.

Ink pulled out his brush " Wheres Dream, Cross ?! " the artist demanded, he came so far to save his friend.

(2) Cross was panicking, so he did something rather dumb. " Who's Dream ? " Chara stared at him in disbelief. Out of all the bad ideas, he had to chose the worst, hadn't he ?Ink stared at Cross in disbelief. Did he seriously just say that ? He looked at Chara and swished his paint brush at Cross, who was immidiatly trapped in purple chains. "Where's Dream, Cross ? You should hurry with your answer, or this chains might decide to get tighter and crush you. " , he said, his voice devoided of every emotion.

(2) Cross went to tell Ink that that wasn't his buisness, before he realised that this was the perfect chance of getting rid of his rival. So he kept silent, mentioning towards the open door behind him.

(1) Suddenly, Dream sensed a disturbment in the air, as if something bad was about to happen. He jolted up, waking up his brother with his sudden action. He thought that he had heard the voice of an old friend, who would be a fatal problem right now. He tried to make out the souls around him, but he could only sense Nightmares, Crosses and a faint determination one in the area, so he relaxed again, giving his brother an apoligetic look, before falling asleep once again.

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