Shattered Dreammare (2)

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This is based on a roleplay between @Warriorcat- and me.

" If-if they try to kill me, will you protect me ? " ,Dream asked, hoping for a yes, even if he didn't deserve it in his opinion. ''Of course, Dreamy..'' He said softly and pulled away from the hug, giving Dream another small smile." But why ? You were trying to kill me for such a long time now, and even if I know I deserved it, I was always wondering why. Was it just jealousy ? Why didn't you kill me back then ? " , Dream continued to ramble on.Nightmare hesitated, wanting to tell Dream the real reason of his jealousy and hate towards his brother, but he decided against it. So he was silent for a few seconds, before speaking up : " Maybe I'll tell you why oneday, Dreamy, but not today, ok ? "" Why ? Do you not trust me ? " Dream stands up and looks at him in disapointment. " Nevermind. It doesn't matter. Can you show me the rest of the castle ?" , he changes the subject.Nightmare huffed, maybe he would tell his brother one day, but not today. So he stood up and walked to the door, following the other request of his brother : "Of course. Follow me. " He simply said, while opening said door. " But you should get dressed first. I'll wait for you outside of the room. " He left the room, the small clicking sound indicating that the door had closed.Dream didn't know what to chose, he never wore anything beside his Star Sanses suit, so he took some random clothes and went with it. However, the tentacles were cutting through the clothes right afterwards, leaving a small gap in the soft fabric. He opened the door, stepping out.

" So, what do you think ? "Nightmare waited, when Dream came out he chuckled at the random set of clothes. He obviosly didn't know what to wear, but it didn't look horrible, just unfamiliar. " You look alright, Dreamy. Now lets go." He said and walked into the darkly lit hallway. For once being nervous about his appearance, not just about the clothes of course, he followed the older twin, flinching each time he heard a weird noise." You don't have to be so nervous, Brother." Nightmare reassured him. The noises were probably just his group horseplaying around with knives and other attacks.

" Says the guy who has been living here for centauries. I'm pretty sure that you could walk around while being blindfolded. " , Dream still felt a little bit awkward, walking through the halls of the the home of the person he was fighting with for years. The corruption didn't help either, making him able to properly feel negative emotions, even as a being that was originally made by pure positivity. "Yes, I'm pretty sure that I would be able to walk around my castle while being blindfolded." He said smiling, but also noticing his brother uneasyness.

"Why so nervous and awkward, Brother? Is something bothering you? "

" It's nothing. Just getting used to things, I guess..." , he stated." Random question : Which one is your favourite AU, excluding this one ?"

"Alright, if you don't feel comfortable with something tell me. I could try make it more comfortable for you." He walked along, and listened to Dreams questions. " Well, I do like the Aus with a lot of negative feelings, but also the darker ones. I really do like the night sky. "

" So you'll probably enjoy a genocide route in Outertale the most, right ? " , Dream asked while they stopped in front of the huge door that leaded to the 'living room'. He hesitated for a moment, before pushing it open. The positive twin felt the slight urge to turn around and chicken out, but he gathered all of his confidence, stepping in. There was a huge mess, bones and knives flying around everywhere, seemingly thrown without a clear target.

" Why do I have the feeling that this is normal ? " , Dream said, while shooting his brother a helpless look and clinging to his arm.

Then there was a loud beeping sound, indicating that Error had crashed. Since he didn't like being touched, he had lifted himself up with his strings, forming a hammock at the ceiling. But that also meant that he had the best view, so he was the first one to notice the person clinging to Nightmare." BoSs? WhO iS tHaT? " ,he asked, interrupting the ongoing fight.Nightmare looked at Dream, who didn't seem to have changed his personality. He didn't mind Dream clinging onto his arm, so he petted his skull with a soft smile. This might become a normal routine for Nightmare now, as long as Dream needed it.The God of Negativity looked up at Error, who was hanging around with his blue strings on the ceiling.

"This is Dream, well corrupted Dream, he's going to stay with us for a while." he gave a simple response.Another beep sounded, Error crashed again, before the destroyer spoke up : "WhAt? ThAt iS DrEaM? "

" No way, you're kidding, right ?!" , Killer said.

" No it is indeed me. Do you have a problem with that ?" ,Dream asked, his nervousness was gone, since he acted like back with the Star Sanses on instinct. Suddenly there was a chocolate bar flying at the newly corrupted guardian, but there stood nobody who could have thrown it. " Chara, are you serious ? Why are you celebrating this ? " , Cross talked to the human that was only viewable by him. ' Yes ! That is one enemy less to worry about ! ' ,they said inside Crosses head, making him roll his eyes for a reason unknown to his surroundings.

Dust P.O.V.

I almost choked on the air, how could that be Dream! I mean I could see the features of the yellow guardian shining through all the goop, but the normal happy aura of Dream wasn't present at all. I looked over at Fell. He had a similiar reaction but looked more like he wasn't happy about him staying. Same with horror.

Nightmare's P.O.V.

Cross was talking with Chara again, so I looked back at Error and Killer. "He IS Dream and you should better treat him as a guest and with respect, at least if you value your lifes." I glared at them with my only idea, before glancing back at Dream. " SoMeboDy iS in A bAd moOd..." ,Error complained before going back to play with his strings, simply ignoring the events happening right now. Now Dream was somehow relieved that he had to deal with one less person, but he was confused, since he awaited more of an actual response of the well known Destroyer. "Does Ink know yet ? Knowing him, Error is going to suffer the consequences, and I can't have Error die, he still ows me a cookie."A cookie ? " ,Dream asked confused. Cross just nodded, stepping closer towards Dream, in order to get a better look at this new him.Nightmare watched and listened, but he wasn't really interested in the conversation, so he looked around momentarly, noticing Dust and Horror still horseplaying with their axes and some of Killers knives. Nightmare didn't like it when cross came up to inspect Dream for a closer look, so he pulled Dream closer to him.

Dream squeaked, not expecting the sudden movement. Cross had a look of confusion on his face, but he shrugged it of, thinking Nightmare was just an overprotective brother. More confident now, since nobody reacted to badly, Dream stepped in the large room, taking a closer look at it. Mostly because he wondered what Errors strings were tied to, but he remembered that they were in the Anti-Void as well, and there was literally no ceiling there.

' So, what are going to do now ? I think we ate all the choclate...' , C!Chara said to Cross. " Correction; you ate all the choclate, I'm still not sure how a ghost eats choclate, but it's clear that you did it, not even Errors manages to eat that much. " , Cross responded. Now people seemingly talking to themselves was a normal thing in the gang, but Dream didn't know that, so he was confused about the one sided conversation and the others ignorance towards it. The room was pretty quiet now, making it possible to hear the sickening crack. Suprised, Dream searched for the source of the sound, just to notice Error pressing his hands on his chest. " ReAlLy sKitTleS ? Is anOthEr AU neCesSary rIghT nOW ? I tHouGt I cOulD hAvE a daY oF foR onCe..." , Error complained, immidiatly opening a portal to the new AU.

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