Corrupted Negativity (Corruption x Nightmare )

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This was requested by @LynxTheShifter.


3rd person

It appeared to be a fight like each other, hurtfull, yet meaningless. But, as usual, they talked. And as you might know, words can cut deeper than any knives...

" Why are you doing this ? You said that you would always  protect me, yet here we are, fighting once again ! " , Dream yelled at his brother, who wouldn't stop attacking him.

" Maybe your brother promised this to you, but I didn't. The person you knew is long gone, and he won't return, no matter how hard you try. " , Corruption answered, still attacking the positive guardian mercilessly.

" You know what ?! I hate you ! You're always pretending that you didn't do anything, that none of this was your fault ! So you say that I can't fix you ?! Then I'll have to kill you for good !" , Dream didn't realise what he was doing, who he was really hurting with his words. Nightmare had curled into a ball inside of Corruptions mind, sobbing badly.

Corruption was, even if he wouldn't admit it, worried for the little negative guardian, so he ordered his team to retreat.

As soon as they were back at the castle, they started questioning their leader. But Corruption had better things to do, like somehow calming his host down, so he sended each of them on a mission without answering. He melted in a puddle, just to reappear in their shared mind.

" Hey...Are you okay ? " , he asked the smaller one.

" No ! Of course I'm not ! Dream hates me...He wants me dead..." , the asked one screamed at his counterpart.

" Wait, what ?! He didn't mean you, he was talking to me ! He doesn't hate you, he hates the things I did. There's no need to get so worked up about it... " , Corruption attempted to help, but he wasn't really good at comforting people. After all, he was known as the King of Fear. So he did what he had seen with other people, completly ignoring his usual solution, killing the one with the problem, and hugged his other half.

At first, Nightmare was starteld with the kings behaviour, but he shrugged it off, accepting the rather goopy hug. He needed someone to talk to, he was desperate enough to accept anyone, even Corruption.

The moment was interrupted by a glitchy screech outside, and Corruption pulled away, unconsciously sighing, suprising the other.

As Corruption melted back into reality, he was greeted with a panicking Destroyer of worlds. He wasn't panicking about his bosses arrival though, he was worrying about the small blue ball of bones and concentrated negative emotions behind him. Curious, the king approached, there weren't many beings ever feeling that much negativity at once. So who had Error brought to this dark castle, even ignoring his fear of being touched ?

" I...I bRoUgHt BlUe...BuT lEt mE eXpLaiN fiRsT, oKaY ? "

Corruption's P.O.V.

The Star Sans ? Now I was really curios, which excuse could Error possibly have to bring one of our greatest enemies here ? And what was wrong with Blues aura ? The pattern of emotins seemed to be kinda familiar...

" YoU sEe, aFteR I fIniShEd mY miSsiOn, I wAs bOrEd, sO I deCiDeD tO vIsiT BlUe. BuT wHeN I aRriVeD aT hiS liViNg rOoM, CaRroT waS tHeRe, aNd hE wAs pOinTinG aN atTaCk aT hiS oWn bRotHer. So I dEcIdEd t0 bE a hErO fOr oNcE aNd sAvE tHe lItTle gUy. " , he explained. Why would Carrot do that ?! I know Blue, and he isn't one to have enemies. So why did his brother of all people attack him ?

" Why ? Why would Carrot attack him ? " , I asked, and Error tensed up.

" Apparently - fRoM wHaT I've nOtIcEd, BLuE hAd glItCheS, aNd CArrOt noTiCeD..." , Error was clearly uncomfortable, he was feeling guilty. So Carrot attacked Blue because of something that he couldn't control ?! A single glitch ?! I'll make sure that he pays. This wasn't something you could joke about, this was a serious situation.

" Alright. Get him a room. He'll be staying from now on. " , I commanded before I could really think about it. Confused by my sudden ability to actually care, I teleported in my room, in order to talk with Nightmare. Maybe he knew what was going on ?

Nightmare's P.O.V

That was...unsuspected. Since when did Corruption actually care ? Was it my fault ? Was he becoming soft because of my brakedown  ? What if the gang would start to hate him because of that, because of me, too?!

My dark thoughts were interrupted by Corruption sitting down beside me, he was sighing in defeat.

" Do you know what's wrong with me ? " , I wanted to tell him that it was probably my fault, but he must've read my thoughts, which isn't that weird, since we were in my mind, because he interrupted me before I could even start.

" No, it's not your fault...Whose is it though? Is it Blue's? Dream's ? Or is it mine ? " , I didn't really know who, other than me, could be the one responsible for this. So I mirrored his actions from earlier, hugging him. At first, he didn't hug back, so I got a little bit worried, but it must've been the surprise,  since he hugged back shortly after. Not expecting this kind of attention ever being answered again, I started to blush furiously, so I had to hide my purple face in his chest. He was shocked, and only now did I realise what I just did, but as I looked up, his face was dusted in a bright cyan.

" You're to cute for this world, you know ? "

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