Stuff I wrote for no reason at all

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A headcanon :

Imagine a Undertale Multiverse where the air is said to be toxic, therefore everyone is wearing gas masks. Then, take a look at Dreamtale's history; Nightmare's bullies accidently, knock the gas mask off for a second, and he takes a single breath before realising what happened and putting it back on. Everything seems fine at first, but he experience random urges to cough and breath real air again all of a sudden, and they are getting stronger. He never touches the apples, but becomes more and more scared as his body and mindset slowly begin to change. His teeth and fingers sharpen, and he feels a need to destroy and kill, despite not wanting to do that at all.
One day, when Dream isn't around again, it happens again, the bullies knock the mask off a second time. But this time, he doesn't put it back on, he enjoys the clear, toxic air, finally giving in in hopes to lessen the urge. But that was a big mistake, and he starts coughing, spitting out a black liquid that disgusts everyone, including himself. Not wanting to throw up more of the dark substance, he puts the mask back on, and flees, leaving no evidence. Only later he gets to know that the ones he was with had been found dead, stabbed right through the chest and soul. It was concerning both Dream and him how little he cared. He even caught himself thinking that they deserved it at one point, and refused to come down from the tree for the next few days. He felt wrong, so wrong, but at the same time, something told him that this was right and how it was meant to be, that he was meant to be powerful and cruel. It irked him, having such thoughts, but he had to hide them, for the sake of his brother and him.

Stuff I wrote because of writing promts :

1. Promt (From Pinterest) "You have an unique abbility. When wearing someone else's clothes, you change into this person. You collect 'appearences' by buying clothes in second hand shops, but up to now, it was just a game for you. Then you find something very special..."

It was just another cold winter day, nothing special happened so far. Thankfully, there was no important work left for me to do. Not that anyone would be able to punish me if I didn't want them to find me, I'd just be gone, replaced by a person that looked nothing like the one they were searching for.

Due to this freedom, I could just do about everything without consequences, become a hero or a crime lord, but that wasn't for me. I was rarely using my power for anything usefull, despite the possibilities. Instead, I'd just buy random clothes and see what I'd look like, a source of never ending fun. Well, until one day it was, the one I will tell you about right now.

Stepping into the cozy secondhand-shop, like I did so many times before, I breathed in the familiar scent of hundreds of fabrics and lives. The cashier greeted me with a friendly smile, knowing me better than most of my friends.

" How can I help you today (Y/N) ? Are you searching for anything special ?"

"Nah, I'll just see what's new, like usually. " , it was a routine by now, even though both of us knew I'd always answer with this exact phrase. When you're like me, having something, anything, that won't change in your life is a blessing.

"Sure ! I'll show you what's new !" , she exclaimed, starting to walk into the same direction as always. "You'll definitely like some of the new ones, they're pretty unique !

"Nodding in acknowledgement, I followed. We stopped at the same clothes rack we'd always stop at, and she left me to myself and my hobby again.There were colourful shirts and pants, some of them even stitched together by hand, but none of them caught my interest as much as a single black cloak with a hood.

There was nothing special about it, no patches or weird stains, but something made me pause and forced me to take it with me to the changing cabin. It was almost as if I was under a spell, but that was absolutly irrational, there was no such thing as magic.

To prove this point, I quickly changed into the stupid cloak, expecting to turn into a edgy teenager or something similar. My vision blurred for a second, but I didn't worry, that would always happen whenever I transformed.The moment I opened my eyes again, I noticed that I was taller than before, which was quite weird, because the cloak wasn't that big, but I just shrugged it off.

What I couldn't ignore, however, was the gigantic tool I was holding all of a sudden. A scythe.

2.Promt (Also from Pinterest)

"You are trapped on a small island with limited supplies and a few other humans. Whoever left the island would never return. Every crime was punished by sending the one who commited it away. You've just been caught steeling."

It wasn't much, nothing big or special, and I hadn't even intended to keep it, but here I was, forced onto a small raft because of a stupid dare. What was I thinking, stealing those pens and notebooks despite knowing that it could cost me everything? Just why was I stupid enough to try and impress that group by committing a crime ?

Well, the dead had been done, and now there was no way back.I sighed as I stared into the water, only because there was nothing else to look at. The supplies they gave me were a joke, they wouldn't even last for a week, I was as good as dead, there was no use denying it.

Funnily enough, I was allowed to keep the stuff I stole, even though I couldn't do anything with it now. Sure, I'd occasionally doodle or write into one of the notebooks, but they'd be lost as soon as I died, anyways. I didn't even know why I bothered trying, it would probably be easier to just give up and let the sun do the rest.

Hours upon hours passed, the supplies dwindling like snow in rain, when the storm came. It started small, only a few irritating drops of even more, less salty, water causing me to look up.

Soon enough, however, the wind started to howl all around me while the wild waves crashed into my makeshift boat. The sound of splintering wood haunted my thoughts and paralysed my body, not that I could have done something usefull.

It didn't take too long until everything started to sink, both my abbility to breathe and the rift. A strange happiness filled my mind because I knew that there was no need to worry anymore. The colourful scales of hundreds of bypassing fishes were the last thing I saw before I closed my eyes for the final time, or so I thought.

A beeping sound caused me to stir after I sat in the dark void for what felt like an eternity, causing me to groan. Why can't I be left alone, at least now ?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2019 ⏰

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