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This Oneshot was requested by @kira_yang . And yes, I messed it up again, I know.

It took them a long time, which was filled with countless missunderstandings and emberrassing moments, but they finally managed to confess their real feeling for each other. Though now, after they overcame so many hardships and their hatred for each other, there was one problem left. Nobody but the two of them knew about their newly founded relationship.

Neither of them were sure how either of their friends wold react to it, even if it seemed to only be a single term, the one they used to describe each others connection to them, that changed slightly. Funny, how quickly 'brothers' could turn into 'lovers' ....

However, the solution for this problem occured....rather unexpectedly. By now, each and every fight was avoided as much as possible, since they didn't want to risk hurting oneother, but one day, another one made its way through the poorly constructed arguments and lies. The sound of the clashing weapons halled the once peacefull AU - a copy of Heaventale - whose buildings were already nothing but dust and debris.

The bubbles and puddles of paint seethed, but they were simply avoided by everyone, so the main fight took place somewhere else. Nobody knew how, but they ended up right in front of the barrier. Though, the barricade itself was not the real obstacle , for all of their souls would be strong enough to pass, or even break, it on their own. Seven human souls, however, were quiet powerfull joined together, and the Barrier had been created by using them. If it would break, no matter who did it, this energy would free itself, and latch onto everything it could find. Both sides knew this, and while none of the bad guys should have a reason to care - all of them had absorbed several Human-souls before, sometimes even by accident - Ink insisted on keeping it intact, so he wouldn't have to fix the complicated structure while rebuilding the world. The bright guardian, however, would never even dare to think about adding a second soul to his being, he knew what it did to Nightmare, and his beloved already told him how painful it was to call more than one soul your own.

So, naturally, the Embodyment of Negativity tried avoiding this event, too, after all, he didn't want to hurt his little star. Sadly, none of the other villains knew this, and so, Error somehow ended up pressed against the white wall. Which wouldn't have been that bad, if it wasn't for Error's fears. Besides the commonly known Haephophobia, he had another one, which only few ever learned about, because it was plain emberrassing and stupid-at least in the eyes of a person who never learned about the Destroyer's past home. Leukophobia, the fear of the colour white, caused by the time he was trapped in the Anti-Void. The Creator, despite not knowing this, therefore created an extra measure against him within almost every single world.

A panicked scream, piercing and distorted, forced everyone to cover their ears. The God of Destruction, however, didn't stop there, and caused an explosion, which, of course, damaged the barrier.

Knowing it was the only way to save the one he loved most, the corrupted guardian teleported just in time to shield his soulmate's body with his own. The white shards, created by a war that lasted for centuries, pierced his entire body, and grazed his soul, but he did not care, for all that mattered to him was the frightened prince in his arms.

"N-night ? Why did you-Oh no, are you alright ? " , the frightened whisper would have been inaudible, but the suffocating silence that occured when the scream errupted seemingly increased everything's volume, which lead to everyone understanding the couple perfectly. And what they heard and saw was pretty confusing ; the general position they were in, as well as the expression both of them wore. They were neither terrified, nor angry, but just...dazed and happy, as if both of them were staring at a beautifull night sky. Why would they do that ? Both of the teams never knew that enemies could look at each other like that. Which emotion were they expiriencing right now ?

" ...They're just Human-Souls, Sunshine, there's no need to worry, I'll be fine...."  , somehow, both of the twins were completely oblivious to the other's staring. The odd nickname caused even more attention and irratation to arise, especially Dream's, once again, fully accepting and glad expression. Just what was going on ?

" Y-you jerk ! Don't scare me like that ! I though I'd lose you again..." , in the heat of the moment, he let his insticts take over, and kissed the smaller passionalately. In front of literally everyone else. Somehow still not noticing the others, Dream responded in the same way.  Now that was a sign, even the most oblivious and innocent members of the forces got, yet it was still weird. That was definetly not a brotherly kiss, that was clear. But what then ?

" G-guys ?! What was that ?! " , a squeaky voice, presumably Blue's, asked. The Creator's only answer was a disgusted snarl, paired with an accusing hand motion. Meanwhile, the two siblings finally noticed which situation they were in, and their faces lighted up in emberrassment.

"This. " , he said, once again pointing at the twins, " This is not only disgusting, but also an action that is equal to betrayel. Explain yourself, Dream. "

" I-" , the  insecurness within his voice was unsettling, so Nightmare decided to interfere.

" Ink, this is none of your buisness." , sure, there were nicer ways to say this, but the forgetfull skeleton didn't deserve the effort of coming up with these.

" B-but Boss, we'd like to know what's going on, too..." , Killer somewhat begged.

" YeAh, wHaT diD I miSs ? "

"..." , the silence was like a ticking time bomb, you could almost see the rising anger and annoyance.

" It's okay, Moonbean, I'll explain it to them..." , Dream tried to soothe the burning anger his King of Darkness emitted.

"You don't have to-"

"But I want to."


Time skip until Dream explained the whole thing

" That's it ? You love him ? But there's nothing with that ! " , Blue exclaimed, beaming brightly, as if this was perfectly normal and great.

" Wha-Blue, stop encouraging the enemy ! You don't know anything about this kind of stuff, anyways ! " , the artistic god tried to interrupt his teammate, but the mortal monster only glanced at Dust, an unexpectedly mischievousglint in his eyes. Immidiatly, everyone turned around, now facing the insane skeleton.


" Dust. I really thought that I taught you to lie better. Though, now is not the time to lie, but to tell the truth."

" And there you are called the emotionless one...We're dating, Nightmare."

Undertale AU OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now