Shattered Dreammare (3)

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This is based on a roleplay between @Warriorcat- and me.

Now Dream was confused, how could Error tell that there was a new AU ? And why did he act like it hurt ? Wait, does it hurt ? They never really asked why Error destroyed. But if the creation of a new AU hurt him, could it be that the pain stopped after destroying it ? Just to be sure, he asked : What happened ? How did Error know that there was a new universe ?"

"He senses it ? How else should he do his job ? " , Killer replied lazely. " Which job ? " ,Dream asked, confused. " God of Destruction. " , came as an response, again from Killer. " Forced God of Destruction." , Cross added rather quickly, giving Killer a glare, sending a small knife into his direction, but it was easisily doged.Nightmare nodded : " Yes, that is what he was created for. He is supposed to keep the balance this way. " He glanced at Killer threwing a knife at Cross. " Are you going to come inside the living room or stay there by the door, Dream ? " Nightmare said teasingly. Dust, Fell and Horror were boredly watching the events, throwing their weapon of choice in the air repeatedly. Instantly Dream stepped in, but turning around right afterwards, grabbing his brother with his tentacles, dragging him in, too. Smirking, he said to the others, who were staring : " What ? Have you never forced him to actually do something - " He was interrupted by another flying choclate bar. ' That guy is exactly what we needed ! ' , Chara screamed at Cross, anoying the skeleton. " You think...? " , Cross said, noticing how close Dream and Nightmare were. Dream was way too close to his senpai. He couldn't get into his way. " Hey, are you okay buddy ? You were zoning of. " , Killer asked, concerned. Nightmare chuckled at the flying choclate bar. He stayed besides Dream all the time, since he was bored, normally, he wouldn't be here, but instead reading a book. Nothing was normal now, though. Dust, who saw the flying chocolate, took it as a practice target, so he threw a sharpened bone at it. It pierced the chocolate, resulting into it braking into half and then falling to the ground. " Hey !", Chara and Cross screamed in union. " That was our Choclate ! " A glitched scream interrupted them, Error was falling out of a portal. But he wasn't in the best condition, for he was covered in his own blood and marrow, having paint splattered all over him.Dust shrugged, "Doesnt matter." , he said. Nightmare looked over at Error, but he didn't bother moving over to him. "What happened? Lost another fight with Ink? " Nightmare guessed as he examined the injured glitching skeleton. " YuP." , the glich responded. " STuPid paINt. He wAs rEalLy anGry tHouGh. PosSibly bEcauSe of DrEaM. " He said, brushing of the dust, which didn't belong to him. He stood up as if those wounds were completly normal, starteling Dream. Just how used were those guys to pain ? They were brushing off a fractured rib, as if it was nothing.

" Well that could be bad, do you think he would come and attack the castle looking for Dream? " Nightmare asked as a tentacle pulled Dream closer, " Are you okay Dreamy? " Dream squeaked, pulling out of the rather strong grasp." Stop. I can protect myself, you know? " "Nah. He's to busy creating and ignoring the suffering of said creations." , Killer said. Cross had been approaching Dream again, and tried to get Nightmare to let him free.

Nightmare sighed, maybe he was getting too overprotective over Dream. So he walked back to the door of the living room. " Okay, I'll be in my chamber then if you need anything. " , he informed his brother, before leaving the room and hurrying to his chamber. Dust didn't care, but he was really bored. Can you dust out of boredom ? If yes, he was close to doing so. He stole a knife from Killer earlier, so he was currently playing with it.

After making sure that his senpai was out of the room, Cross went behind Dream quietly, whispering into his ear : " He's mine. Always was and always will be. And you'll accept that, or there's going to be a little 'accident ' , involving your removement. " ' Seriously, Cross? Are you brain-dead or something ? Nightmare will rip your head off, and that would kill me too, so definitely no. ' Nightmare got back to chamber, he tried to calm himself down, since nobody would enter anyways.

Fell was a bit confused,so he asked : " Are you a part of us now ? "

" I guess." , Dream answered shrugging. " So you're betraying the Star Sanses? " Killer asked. None of them had noticed Cross words, they were used to him talking to himself. " They wouldn't even take me back like this...So, yes. " "Do yOu reGreT iT ? " , Error asked. " What exactly? " , Dream answered. " IsN't iT obVioUs? EaTinG tHe apPplE of cOurSe. "What did Error mean ? How did he even know about the apples ? Horror was interested, too, " Yeah, yeah, sure. Dream answer Errors question. "

" Rude." , Dream stated before continuing " I... No. No, I don't regret it. If I have to do this to keep Night happy, then I'm fine with it. It's just a little bit weird, but I'll eventually get over switching sides...right ? " Cross was shooting Dream another glare, he wouldn't let anyone take his precious Nightmare away.Horror shrugged and huffed. " Maybe... But it's not going to be easy to make Nightmare happy, he doesn't really show emotions at all. " Dust looked over at Cross, " Why are you staring at Dream like that, Cross ? "" At least he has emotions, unlike that soulless creator. I think he doesn't want to seem weak or show any weaknesses. " , Killer explained. " I was just trying to get the new members of the gang closer. Bug off, psychopath. " , Cross answered rudely.

Horror agreed with Killer : " Yeah I suppose so. "

Dust laughed, " Im the psychopath ? Tell that to your imaginary friend ! "" Says the guy who talks to his dead brother. Sadly, I'm not imagining Chara, and they're definitely not my friend." , Cross snapped back. The air was tense, it was obvious that a fight was about to go down, so Error decided to interfere, throwing the two arguing Sanses in a random portal. Nobody reacted though, this was a normal act here. However Cross and Dust weren't that lucky. They landed into a colourfull landscape, it was carefully painted. And there stood the Creator himself, redying his brush.

" Dont you dare talk about my brother! " Dust hissed, he jolted and yelled at Error since he hated it when he did something like that. " Ompf, where did he put us now?! " Dust complained.

Horror just sighed at this, " Welp, there's that."

(2)" Yeah, why can't I talk about your brother? ! I had a brother,too, you know ?! But I'm not pretending that he is still alive ! ",in his anger, Cross didn't recognise the place they were in.

(1) Horror was being ignored, and Dream walked over to Error, trying to get a better look at his wounds. But when he tried to reach for a cut in order to heal it, Error jolted back. " DONT TOUCH M3! ", he screamed, his haephophobia was kicking in.

" You shouldn't do that, Error doesn't liked to be touched or he'll crash. " Fell advised Dream.Dust was mad he threw a attack at Cross out of anger, " Just stop! ", he lashed out.

(1) Was that the reason for Errors odd fighting style ? Dream began to feel uncomfortable without his brother protecting him from whatever they planed, so he went up, searching for Nightmares room. An all to familiar tree was carved into the door, but it was't locked, so Dream decided to try and scare his sibling.

(2 ) " Look who can't control his anger. Not so great at being a strong and scary monster now, are we?" , Cross continued mocking the other, easily dodging the attack. He had to let off some steam after the recent events, so he took it out on Dust. Meanwhile, Chara was eating popcorn, they were the only one who noticed Ink, so they waved him, and since he was the Creator, he could see the amused ghost.

Nightmare was currently just sitting down in his bed, thinking about certain recent events. Unknowingly to him, the goop started to melt of his hands, reveling some of the white bone.

Dust didn't listen, he kept on attacking Cross with one attack after the other. He hated the mocking words but he wouldn't reply.Ink looked at Chara, and waved as he used his broomie to create a Gaster Blaster in order to lift him up. " So,..who do you think will land the first hit ? " , he said as his eyess changed shapes and colours thanks to his vials.

(1) Dream managed to sneak into the room unnoticed, but he froze as soon as he saw his brothers hands. The white bones he hadn't seen for far to long. He decided to stay where he was, watching what would happen next.

(2) " Not sure. But probably Cross. He's in a really bad mood right now. " , Chara responded, wondering when the two Sanses would finally notice their situation.

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